WSP Vent Hood Testing Instructions

WSP Vent Hood Testing Instructions


Purpose for Vent Hood Testing

  • The purpose of the Division’s Vent Hoods is to be used for testing drug evidence that is not already known to contain fentanyl or fentanyl analogs.


  • Dangerous Drug Evidence– Includes suspected narcotics that have the potential to be easily absorbed, inhaled or ingested.

  • Suspected narcotics in the form of powders, pills and liquids should always be considered dangerous drug evidence.

Dangerous Drug Evidence Testing

  • The buddy system must always be used when testing dangerous drug evidence. The partner officer shall be positioned in a location clear of the immediate testing area but close enough to see the testing officer and render aid or call for assistance if an exposure were to occur. 

  • Officers shall always have NARCAN available and ready to administer when testing dangerous drug evidence.

  • A vent hood shall be utilized when available to test dangerous drug evidence.  State Patrol and partner agency vent hoods should be considered when there is a need to conduct these test.

Before testing any dangerous drug evidence, the testing officer shall put on the following equipment:

  • Protective gown

    • Place the safety gown on first.

    • Make sure the safety gown covers from the neck to the knees to the wrists.

    • Tie the back of the neck and waist or have another officer assist you.

  • N95 Respirator Mask

    • Remove the mask from the package, ensure the mask isn’t broken and all straps are intact.

    • Curve the nose bridge.

    • Place both straps on the back of your fingers in preparation for placement over your mouth and nose.

    • Cup the mask in your hand and position it under your chin and over your nose. Use your free hand to pull each strap over and behind your head.

    • Form the nose piece tightly over the bridge of your nose and adjust the rest of the mask comfortably over your face and chin.

    • Form the nose piece tightly over the bridge of your nose and adjust the rest of the mask comfortably over your face and chin.

  • Safety glasses

    • Only put the safety glasses/goggles on after your N-95 mask is properly fitted.

    • Examine the safety glasses/goggles to ensure they are clean and free of any substances.

    • Place the safety glasses/goggles on.

  • Nitrile gloves- 2 pairs each hand

    • Place the Nitrile gloves on last.

    • For safety, officers shall wear two layers of gloves with the outside glove pulled over the cuffs of the safety gown.

    • If the changing of gloves is necessary during the testing and packaging procedure, remove the outer layered glove while still under the hood and then replace it with a clean glove.

    • Removal of first layer of Nitrile gloves should be done under the hood while it is still in operation to avoid any substances from leaving the hood area.

Now You Are Ready to Test Any Controlled Substance


(Failure to follow these instructions could cause blow-back)

Hood Operation-Drop Down Door

  • The hood itself has a drop-down sash door in the front that can be lifted and hooked in the upward position.

  • The sash can be lifted to allow more room for the evidence to be placed inside the vent hood, but it must be lowered before turning the hood on or any testing is conducted.

Hood Operation-Air Balancing

  • Place the sample in its original packaging under the hood along with any other item needed for testing or packaging (e.g. tweezers, scissors, baggies, envelopes, tape)

  • Ensure the sash is in the lowered position before the unit is turned on or any testing is done.

  • Press “Turn Light On” button (green arrow to the right) on the digital LED screen.

  • Press “Start Blower” button on the digital LED screen (red arrow to the right) and wait about 30 seconds to allow the air to balance under the hood.

  • The LED panel will increase from 0 LFM’s to 130 LFM’s and then decrease to 80 LFM’s.

  • You will notice that the loud air sound will decrease.

Hood Operation- Drug Scale

  • The drug scale is to be located inside the vent hood unit.

  • Calibrate or “Zero Out“ the drug scale when the hood vent fan is on with the scale door open (if such scale door exists).

  • A false (incorrect) weight reading can result if scale is calibrated when the hood fan is off.

Conduct Testing

  • Perform all testing and packaging under the hood.

  • While under the hood, change the first layer of gloves as needed and do not let them snap when removing them.  Leave discarded gloves under vent hood until clean-up phase.

Packaging Under the Hood

  • Package your evidence under the hood according to Division Policy and Region SOP.

  • Depending on what type of controlled substances, they shall be inventoried by placing the substances in a sealed zip-lock bag or an appropriately sized envelope.  (Powder, liquid and / or pill evidence should never be placed into an envelope – always use zip lock).

  • If fentanyl or any fentanyl analog is suspected to be present during testing, place first evidence bag into a second zip-lock bag and clearly label outer zip-lock bag with the warning “FENTANYL / HAZARD”.

  • Place this evidence bag into the supplied evidence can and clearly mark this can “FENTANYL / HAZARD” and label the can in accordance with Division Policy and Region SOP.

Remove Packaged Evidence

  • After the controlled substances are packaged, the officer will then place the sealed drug evidence into the designated evidence locker.

  • The testing officer shall then perform a thorough cleaning of the hood, testing supplies and testing area.

Hood and Work Area Cleaning   ***(Keep the hood vent fan running during the cleaning Process.  )***

  • While still under the hood, users shall gather up and place all drug testing trash into a zip lock bag. 

  • Users shall thoroughly wipe and clean the testing hood work surface, the surface of the electric scale, tweezers, the designated cutting board and other tools with an approved cleaning agents that contains sodium percarbonate (SPC)1 such as OxiClean.  Place all discarded cleaning supplies (wipes, paper towels, etc.) and any used gloves into the zip lock bag containing the drug testing trash.

  • While still under the hood, remove the air from the zip lock bag and then seal.  Discard this sealed zip lock trash bag into the RED garbage can in the evidence room.

  • DO NOT use any alcohol or bleach-based products to clean the hood or testing equipment.  Cleaning solutions that contain sodium percarbonate (SPC)1 (such as Oxi Clean) should be used as they have been tested and proven to break down fentanyl. 

Removal of Controlled Substances PPE

  • Once the hood and work area is cleaned, it is time to remove the PPE in this order:

  • Removing Nitrile Gloves

  1. Pinch and hold the outside of the glove near the wrist area.

  2. Peel downwards, away from the wrist, turning the glove inside out.

  3. Pull the glove away until it is removed from the hand and hold the inside-out glove with the gloved hand.

  4. With your un-gloved hand, slide your finger/s under the wrist of the remaining glove, taking care not to touch the outside of the glove.

  5. Again, peel downwards, away from the wrist, turning the glove inside out.

  6. Continue to pull the glove down and over the inside-out glove being held in your gloved hand.

  7. This will ensure that both gloves are inside out, one glove enveloped inside the other, with no contaminant on the bare hands.

  8. Discard gloves in red narcotics garbage can.

Removing Safety Glasses

  • Remove glasses and clean them with a non-alcohol-based wipe.

  • Discard wipe in red narcotics garbage can

Removing Safety Gown

  • Unfasten gown ties, taking care that sleeves don’t contact your body when reach for the ties.

  • Pull gown away from neck and shoulders, touching inside of gown only.

  • Carefully turn gown inside out

  • Fold gown into a bundle and discard in red narcotics garbage can

Removing N95 Mask

  • Front of mask may be contaminated-DO NOT TOUCH IT!

  • Grasp bottom elastics of the mask, then the top elastics, and remove without touching the front of the mask.

  • Discard the mask in the red narcotics garbage can.

Wash Hands

  • Use Soap

  • Avoid using alcohol or bleached based clearing products to clean your hands after testing as these products can increase the possibility and rate of absortion.

Turning Off Testing Hood

  • Remove and safely discard used gloves before touching the digital LED screen

  • Press the ‘Stop Blower’ button on the LED screen (red arrow).

  • Press the ‘Turn Light Off’ button (green arrow).

  • Note: Leaving the hood blower or light on unnecessarily will shorten the equipment and filter lifespan. TURN OFF when not in use.


(Failure to follow these instructions could cause blow-back)


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