Wisconsin State Patrol (WSP) Resource Guide

Wisconsin State Patrol (WSP) Resource Guide

Copies maintained in DOT State Patrol SharePoint for controlled access by all DSP staff as well as in the credentialled portion of WILENET for access by all Wisconsin Law Enforcement.

DOT State Patrol - Wisconsin State Patrol (WSP) Resource Guide - All Documents (sharepoint.com)



The Wisconsin State Patrol (WSP) was established in 1939 for the purpose of providing law enforcement services in a rapidly changing transportation environment. Along with that effort, it was recognized from its inception that the WSP would stand ready to provide public safety assistance to local, county and tribal units of government as well as our partner agencies at the state and federal levels.

The statutory authority granted to the WSP outlines the agency’s role to "enforce and assist in the administration…" of traffic laws and regulations. In addition, other statutory provisions direct the agency to assist in response to disasters, large-scale incidents and other emergencies as needed. In order to do so in a timely, efficient and effective manner, the WSP has organized its resources and capabilities to be better postured to assist our partner agencies when called upon.

This resource guide serves as a reference for those agencies when specialized or otherwise unique capabilities of the WSP can be helpful for mitigation and response to the public safety challenges, incidents and events that may be encountered. The WSP stands ready to serve with and assist our partner public safety agencies throughout Wisconsin.


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