RMS Download: Badger TraCS Hosted Environment
TraCS FAQ – RMS Download: Badger TraCS Hosted Environment
This document outlines the process by which agencies download RMS (Records Management System) data into their RMS folder on the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment.
RMS exports are processed daily throughout the afternoon. Based on what file type(s) agencies are sending to their RMS (.xml, .pdf, .xml and .pdf, etc.), these exports could occur in the early, mid, or late afternoon. Agencies will need to download the data into their RMS folder once the RMS Export is complete so that the RMS can then import the data into their system.
Once the RMS Export is complete and RMS data is available, it will populate the RMS Transmission Date column in Forms Manager with a date. If a record has a date in their corresponding RMS Transmission Date column, this is a signal to the agency that it is ready to be downloaded to their RMS folder through an RMS Download.
There is no need to highlight specific forms to download into the RMS – once the RMS Download button is clicked, all forms that are available to send to the RMS will be downloaded and placed in the agency RMS folder.
Note: Both the Transmission and RMS Download processes only process forms in the current database. A form should not be archived until all Transmission and RMS Export processes have been completed for the form.
Note: the RMS Export process processes all forms that are in the Accepted, Exported and Transmitted statuses. This is to ensure that forms that are not normally transmitted to the state/courts (such as the Warning or Citizen Contact forms) are prepared for the RMS as well.
It is therefore imperative not to place a form in Accepted status until it has been reviewed and it can begin both the RMS Export and Transmission processes, as depending on when a form is placed into an Accepted status, it may begin the RMS Export and/or the Transmission process right away.
Steps for completing this process are outlined below.
Log into TraCS as a user who has the HostedAgencyAdmin access level.
Perform a search. As an example, a search was performed for all forms within our agency with a status of Transmitted, to look for forms that have been transmitted to the state/courts.
If the records returned have dates in their RMS Transmission Date column, this means that the RMS export has completed, and RMS data is on the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment Server waiting for the RMS Download.
Click the RMS Download button to download this data from the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment Server into your agency’s local RMS folder. This allows the RMS to then import the data into their system.