2024-12-13, Crash DB Workgroup Meeting
Informal Opening Discussion
Crash DB Systems Review
TraCS Systems and Crash Form development
Dave Malisch / Geri Polster
Fall Pack out
Addressed an issue with replication to the DT3480 - tested, but fix will be released on a case by case basis since issue is fairly specific, will push out broadly with March update.
Address a TLT on/at highway number issue - fix applied
Change in content of one of the WISLR columns
Affects about 250 crashes.
Continuing to monitor
Next update in March
TOPS Database and WisTransPortal
Steven Parker / Andi Bill
Maintenance Updates and System Stability
CRASHDB-1729: Server Maintenance, December 22
CRASHDB-1694: Server Maintenance, November 24
Prioritized JIRA Issues and Enhancements
CRASHDB-1675: TRaCS 2024 Fall Pack - Extend Narrative to 10,000 characters.
CRASHDB-1681: Resolve - Update Letterhead
Crash Data Catalogue - ICDG Access to Crash Database Oracle
JIRA In Progress
2024 End of Year Task List
RP Data Upload - 2023 Auto V1
Ongoing JIRA Bug Reports per the Weekly TOPS / CRU IT Meetings
In the Queue
RP Enhancements
CRASHDB-1570: SOAP and REST Server Migration
CRASHDB-1651: Duplicate Failure Message: Retransmission vs. Reuse
Purge and Archiving Processes
Purge and Archive processes continuing to run smoothly.
1,188,999 total archived crashes of which 575,989 represent purged crashes (the archive adds approximately 13K crashes per month). This includes 2,224,673 total image files.
HWYCLASS Working Group
November 26 Work Group Meeting
Phase 3 Implementation Planning
Group Concurred with Proposed Process Flow
Goal to support 2024 HSIP Submittal
WisTransPortal / Community Maps
2024 End of Year Task List
Community Maps citations and warnings data layer in progress – twelve agencies
Crash Records Unit
Brad Richter / Polly Ebbinger / Mike Satteson
DT4000 / Non-Domesticated Animal Type Changes - The request has been submitted to Badger TraCS to update the non-domesticated Animal Type list on the DT4000. The new list will be as follows (bolded items are new): Deer , Bear , Turkey , Raccoon , Opossum , Coyote , Badger , Beaver , Bobcat , Cougar , Elk , Fox , Lynx , Moose , Pig, Feral , Porcupine , Raptor (Eagle, Hawk, Owl, etc.) , Sandhill Crane , Turtle , Wolf , Other Bird Species , Other Non Domesticated.
Work Zone MMUCC 6 Update - Finalizing changes needed on the DT4000 to increase alignment with MMUCC 6. In general, the changes will refine the description of a work zone in relation to a crash. These changes are limited to the DT4000. The following document contains work completed to date: https://wi-state-patrol.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DQDxqw
Non-Motorist MMUCC 6 Update - Finalizing requirements to improve the reporting of non-motorists involved in crashes. The changes will provide clearer paths to reporting for situations involving, for example, bicycles and horse-drawn buggies. In addition, these updates will provide for improved reporting on non-motorist fatalities. These changes will potentially impact both the DT4000 and the DT3480.
Cause of Death Review
This work is now somewhat routine, and we have most deaths verified through August
Source Document Processing
This is a new initiative, with Brad expected to become our expert on processing filing non-crash report FARS case materials into our Box case management folders. These documents include: MV1238, Coroner Investigative Reports, Toxicology Reports, DMV Driver and Vehicle Records.
The MV1238 is a Coroner’s Report of Motor Vehicle Death. These had not received much scrutiny in the previous FARS era, but we intend to make full use of the information that they provide as they touch onm notification, cause of death and toxicology. This week during prototype work on processing of these forms, we found a crash fatality from November of 2023 that we had been previously aware of. Follow-up with the coroner found that this crash was likely in tribal jurisdiction, which may explain why we received neither notification nor a crash report.
Found a 2023 fatal crash on a tribal land that was previously unknown?
Unlikely to receive a crash report
Occurred in Menominee.
Not too late to add to NHTSA FARS.
Workgroup was unsure how this fatal crash be treated.
Mike noted there is concept of jurisdiction in FARS, such as ATV/UTV crashes that are not reported to the State but are reported to FARS.
Similar case: 2023 Polaris Razer crash went to FARS but not to the State. Information was provided through a non-reported DT4000.
Recommend to treat this crash as a non-state-reportable fatality, based on Menominee's current reporting policy.
Dave Harvey: request to document this decision for the future.
DMV Systems and SR
Ken Matthews
No issues reported.
Reference Point Coding
Ben Rouleau / Asadur Rahman
Finished with 2023 RP coding.
On track to finish 2024 in time for the freeze.
Crash Data Analysis and Reporting
Valerie Payne
Cassidy working on tribal profiles, similar to county profiles. Goal to add to CM before the freeze on the 23rd.
Steven noted differences between SAS tribal elements and CM AIAN values which are generated with the US Census tribal boundary files.
Scheduled Topics and Briefing documents