2024-01-26, Crash DB Workgroup Meeting
Informal Opening Discussion
Soujanya Jarabana has resigned to take a position with the Department of Revenue.
Congratulations to Ben Rouleau who has been promoted to the DTM BSHP Program Development and Analysis Section Chief. He will maintain interest in this workgroup but is less likely to attend meetings.
TraCS will be filling 2 Help Desk people, including Kimberly who will be joining on Monday.
Crash DB Systems Review
TraCS Systems and Crash Form development
Dave Malisch / Geri Polster
Not much to mention. Programming is about done for our next scheduled release in March
This is the tentative schedule for the March 2024 Pack testing and release:
February 16th - Create the 1st package
Feb 19th- Start testing
Feb 28th- Stop testing
Feb 1st- Check for critical fixes, fix and repackage
March 1st - Create the 2nd package
Mar 4th- Start testing
Mar 13th- Stop testing
Mar 15th- Check for critical fixes, fix and repackage
March 15th - Final packaging for update
March 22th - Go / No Go decision to release pack
March 25th - Release software to all agencies
TOPS Database and WisTransPortal
Steven Parker / Andi Bill
TOPS Lab Crash Database WG Update – 1/26/2024
Maintenance Updates and System Stability
o Planned Maintenance Windows:
February server maintenance window - TBD
o Completed Maintenance Windows:
1/21/2024 – January server maintenance window
12/17/2023 – December server maintenance window
Prioritized JIRA Issues and Enhancements
o 2022 Finalization
RP coding process for 2022 data is continuing and will be merged into the frozen
data set once completed.
o December / January JIRA Cases:
CRASHDB-1445 – 2023 Year End CRASHDB Task List
CRASHDB-1508 – Provide Crash Database Documentation to NHTSA for
MMUCC6 Mapping
CRUBIZ-1163 – Byte Array Failure Transmit Crash Buffalo County
In Progress
CRASHDB-1349 - System Stability (Java 11 / Oracle 19c) Migration:
CRASHDB-1367 – Phase 1: Java Migration
Upgraded Resolve System and Integration Services available on
new User Acceptance (UAT) environment. Developed a detailed
acceptance test plan for the CRU.
Under Development
CRASHDB-1465 - Resolve - CUSTNMBR Enhancements during Migration
Record history, modulation, assignment workflow
Prioritized JIRA improvements during Migration testing.
Purge and Archiving Processes
o Purge and Archive processes both continuing to run smoothly.
o 1,062,641 total archived crashes of which 458,319 represent purged crashes (the
archive adds approximately 13K crashes per month). This includes 1,985,955 total
image files.
HWYCLASS Working Group
o Canceled 1/23 meeting. Focusing on completing roadway ownership queries. Will
present next set of results on 2/27.
o General concurrence on merit to continue line of investigation.
o Follow-up on TLT information in deer crash short form.
WisTransPortal / Community Maps
o Community Maps:
User group survey: 216 responses.
County Profiles updated (BOTS).
User preferences on Test Site.
Crash flag technical documentation in progress.
o WisTransPortal:
Data download enhancement in progress.
Crash Records Unit
Polly Ebbinger / Mike Satteson
Out updates are light and informal this month as as Soujanya had had primary responsibility for compiling these. Polly is doing a great job of taking on the work of addressing questions from Law Enforcement, following up on crash report transmission issues, and performing system tests. Her current focus has been testing of a refreshed version of Resolve.
DMV Systems and SR
Ken Matthews
Reference Point Coding
Asadur Rahman
Jacob: 4,504
T Larene: 1,549
Total: 6,053
RP coding needed for 2022: 1,795 and for 2023:53,233.
We are in a position to move into a cleanup phase of the 2022 crash year and can begin planning the update of the finalized 2022 data to include RP data. As this work occurs the RP coders will be turning to focus on 2023.
Following an unsuccessful late 2023 LTE RP Coder recruiting round, we have posted the position again. The new posting is for almost $4 an hour higher pay rate than we have been able to offer in the past and highlights the capability to do this work remotely. As of Thursday there were 26 applicants for the position, which closes on Sunday.
Crash Data Analysis and Reporting
Valerie Payne
Collecting DROC data.
Traffic Data on: older drivers, impaired, and speeding, Marathon County, motorcyclist,
Scheduled Topics and Briefing documents
Randy Wiessenger to share what the LELs have been doing on crash data quality the last year, and our plans going forward – and soliciting issues the CRU would like us to work on out in the field.