2024-02-23, Crash DB Workgroup Meeting
Informal Opening Discussion
Crash DB Systems Review
TraCS Systems and Crash Form development
@David Malisch / @Geraldine Polster
This is the tentative schedule for the March 2024 Pack testing and release:
February 16th - Create the 1st package
Feb 19th- Start testing
Feb 28th- Stop testing ← Last Day for Table changes to be submitted for Crash Unit
Feb 1st- Check for critical fixes, fix and repackage
March 1st - Create the 2nd package
Mar 4th- Start testing
Mar 13th- Stop testing
Mar 15th- Check for critical fixes, fix and repackage
March 15th - Final packaging for update
March 22th - Go / No Go decision to release pack
March 25th - Release software to all agencies
TOPS Database and WisTransPortal
@Steven Parker / @Andi BILL
Maintenance Updates and System Stability
February server maintenance window postponed until March
Prioritized JIRA Issues and Enhancements
2022 Finalization
RP coding process for 2022 data is continuing and will be merged into the frozen data set once completed.
December / January JIRA Cases:
In Progress
CRASHDB-1349 - System Stability (Java 11 / Oracle 19c) Migration:
CRASHDB-1367 – Phase 1: Java Migration
Wednesday, February 7th production update was rolled back on Friday, February 9th after an issue was discovered with 24 crashes that were observed to have been created as duplicates.
CRASHDB-1536 - Resolve Pipeline Duplicate Crash Issue
JIRA case aggregator to investigate and clean up impacted crash records. Current theory is a configuration mismatch in the time zone settings between the new application server and the database that interfered with the integration process. TOPS will schedule a new maintenance window once the issue has been thoroughly analyzed and resolved.
Under Development
CRASHDB-1465 - Resolve - CUSTNMBR Enhancements during Migration
Record history, modulation, assignment workflow
Prioritized JIRA improvements during Migration testing.
Purge and Archiving Processes
Purge and Archive processes both continuing to run smoothly.
1,072,483 total archived crashes of which 472,826 represent purged crashes (the archive adds approximately 13K crashes per month). This includes 2,005,543 total image files.
HWYCLASS Working Group
Next workgroup meeting: 2/27. Will present roadway ownership query results. These elements provide an opportunity to compare derived values to values from the police report.
General concurrence on merit to continue line of investigation.
Follow-up on TLT information in deer crash short form.
WisTransPortal / Community Maps
Community Maps:
User Preferences enhancement moved into production.
Designing for new training video page in progress
Tribal Area filter based on US Census boundaries in progress, along with a few new flags.
Crash flags technical documentation in progress.
Data download enhancement in progress.
Crash Records Unit
Polly Ebbinger / Mike Satteson
Duplicate Crash Reports
75 Potential Duplicate Crashes
14 resolved in last 30 days
61 remaining to resolve
Transmission Failures
(since the 1/26/24)
52 total unique documents failures
40 reuse failures
34 retransmissions
3 reuse, agency fixed
3 reuse, solution provided – 2 outstanding
1 CJIS flag missing or empty
5 Police Report Image is missing or empty
1 Document Number and Crash document Number must be different
1 invalid EMS Agency ID
1 Hwy direction is missing
1 LastName is invalid
1 Airbag invalid
1 PhotosBy invalid
Issues Submitted
BTRSD-6984 Issue - Convert to Amended
BTRSD-6985 Issue - Secondary Crash / Primary Crash Agency
LE Questions
8 LE questions – all related to validation issues of crash reports
1 Bomgar session related to the CJIS flag error
For 2024, there are currently 41 fatalities (from 38 crashes) in our case management system
julia> combine(groupby(fatality, :jira_root), nrow=>:fatalities) |>
x->freqtable(x, :fatalities)
3-element Named Vector{Int64}
fatalities │
1 │ 36
2 │ 1
3 │ 1
Of these 37 are in the crash database, and 4 are not:
julia> filter(x->ismissing(x[:INJSVR]), fatality)[!, [:jira_root, :case_status, :person_status]]
4×3 DataFrame
Row │ jira_root case_status person_status
│ String15? String31? String31?
1 │ FARSCASE-4158 FARS Case Fatality
2 │ FARSCASE-4150 FARS Case Fatality
3 │ FARSCASE-4135 FARS Case Fatality
4 │ FARSCASE-4017 Not Yet Considered Federal Only
FARSCASE-4158, This crash occurred in Monroe County on Monday February 19, 2024 at about 9:22 AM. There was 1 fatality associated with this crash, a 38 year-old male driver. (19 February Daily Fatality Report)
FARSCASE-4150, This crash occurred in Wood County on Friday February 16, 2024 at about 7:35 PM. There was 1 fatality associated with this crash, a 41 year-old male driver. (19 February Daily Fatality Report)
FARSCASE-4135, This crash occurred in Milwaukee County on Friday February 9, 2024 at about 1:41 PM. There was 1 fatality associated with this crash, a 93 year-old male pedestrian. (9 February Daily Fatality Report)
FARSCASE-4017, This crash occurred in Ashland County on Tuesday January 2, 2024. There was 1 fatality associated with this crash, a 43 year-old male driver (not reportable to WisDOT). This is a DNR ATV crash--Single operator/victim lost control on a curve and was ejected. We will not be able to evaluate it until we obtain case materials from the DNR,
Of the fatalities in the database
julia> filter(x->!ismissing(x[:INJSVR]), fatality) |>
x->freqtable(x, :case_status, :person_status)
4×3 Named Matrix{Int64}
case_status ╲ person_status │ Fatality NMVTF State Only
Dismissed from Consideration │ 0 1 0
FARS Case │ 32 0 1
Not Yet Considered │ 1 0 0
Under FARS Review │ 2 0 0
Of these the Not FARS Cases are
julia> filter(x->!ismissing(x[:INJSVR])&&x[:case_status]!="FARS Case", fatality)[!, [:jira_root, :case_number, :case_status, :person_status]]
4×4 DataFrame
Row │ jira_root case_number case_status person_status
│ String15? String15? String31? String31?
1 │ FARSCASE-4167 240205335 Not Yet Considered Fatality
2 │ FARSCASE-4108 240200571 Dismissed from Consideration NMVTF
3 │ FARSCASE-4083 240110793 Under FARS Review Fatality
4 │ FARSCASE-4021 240105450 Under FARS Review Fatality
FARSCASE-4167, This crash occurred in Grant County on Sunday February 11, 2024 at about 6:56 PM. There was 1 fatality associated with this crash, a 22 year-old male pedestrian. Crash report arrived late last night.
FARSCASE-4108, This crash occurred in Green County on Friday February 2, 2024 at about 2:54 PM. There was 1 fatality associated with this crash, a 28 year-old female pedestrian (not considered a traffic fatality). This was a parking lot aisle crash and so not a traffic crash.
FARSCASE-4083, This crash occurred in Dane County on Friday January 26, 2024 at about 10:22 PM. There was 1 fatality associated with this crash, a 23 year-old female pedestrian.
FARSCASE-4021, This crash occurred in Racine County on Saturday January 13, 2024. There was 1 fatality associated with this crash, a 72 year-old male driver.
DMV Systems and SR
Ken Matthews
Reference Point Coding
Asadur Rahman
Crash Data Analysis and Reporting
Valerie Payne / Brian Porter
Analysts working on various data requests
motorcycle data MSAC
pursuit data - Data Dictionary development
ABATE - request for information
Internal Request for tribal crash data
Scheduled Topics and Briefing documents
Dave Harvey
Discussions with DNR on crash reports related to wildlife management.
TraCS animal species list.
Deer |
Bear |
Turkey |
Raccoon(s) |
Opossum |
Other Non Domesticated |
Coyote |
Multiple animals selected
julia> freqtable(crash, :animal_COUNT)
3-element Named Vector{Int64}
animal_COUNT │
0 │ 443297
1 │ 71188
2 │ 21
julia> filter(x->x[:animal_COUNT]>1, crash)[!, [:CRSHNMBR, :ANMLTY01, :ANMLTY02]]
21×3 DataFrame
│ Int64 String? String?
1 │ 200300945 Turkey Other Non Domesticated
2 │ 200709926 Deer Opossum
3 │ 200806372 Deer Other Non Domesticated
4 │ 201004501 Raccoon(s) Opossum
5 │ 210601153 Raccoon(s) Opossum
6 │ 210704846 Deer Raccoon(s)
7 │ 210902065 Deer Other Non Domesticated
8 │ 210909263 Deer Bear
9 │ 211211954 Deer Bear
10 │ 220506098 Deer Opossum
11 │ 220602783 Deer Turkey
12 │ 220910984 Deer Other Non Domesticated
13 │ 230209863 Deer Other Non Domesticated
14 │ 230709362 Opossum Coyote
15 │ 230800934 Bear Coyote
16 │ 230804557 Deer Raccoon(s)
17 │ 231005827 Deer Raccoon(s)
18 │ 231109268 Deer Other Non Domesticated
19 │ 231201756 Deer Other Non Domesticated
20 │ 231201757 Deer Other Non Domesticated
21 │ 240100321 Deer Coyote