Incident Form Transmission Information

Incident Form Transmission Information


To submit UCR/WIBRS data to the DOJ using the TraCS Incident form, contact the Bureau of Justice Information and Analysis.  You must go through the certification process with them.  Once you are certified, transmitting the incident form is the same as all other forms in the Hosted Environment, just set the form status to “Accepted”.


 To submit DA eReferrals using the TraCS Incident form, complete the following steps:

  1. Obtain permission from your DA.

  2. Notify Badger TraCS and the information below will be routed to the DAIT System Admin.

    1. Name:

    2. Agency:

    3. ORI:

    4. Email contact:

    5. Phone contact:

    6. County(s):

  3. DA Protect (Brenda Ray) will make contact with the agency contact to finalize the process.  

    1. After completing the above steps, your agency will be able to have Incident forms sent to the DA Project system by setting the form status to “Accepted” where it will be queued for transmission. Incident forms that are sent to eProtect prior to working with DA Protect (Brenda Ray) will fail transmission.



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