GPS TraCS and Other Software at the Same Time
The goal of this documentation is to help you use the TraCS COM Splitter so that you can utilize multiple programs at the same time that use GPS. Without the splitter, if you have two programs running, they will fight over the signal causing issues.
If you are not seeing the GPS symbol in the top right on your squad computers, you might still need to do the following steps:
The main port that is receiving GPS signal can differ from computer to computer.
GPS Through COMM Port
Check the port used that needs to be split
This can be done within the software program that is initially using the GPS ComPort and usually confirmed in the Device Manager
You can also confirm the port that is using GPS signal by using the TraCSComTester.
Close all applications that are using GPS
OPTIONAL: Use DSPComData.exe to verify receiving GPS through both ports
Download link:
Open EXE
Input com port number, enter, and then baud rate
ex. “10” and “4800”
If you are unable to access the port a program might be using it currently. Close all programs before using this tool.
Do the same for the other port
Download TraCS ComSplitter here:
Make sure there is no other splitter installed. This is detailed in the install instructions Detailed instructions here:
Install splitter on machine by running EXE file
Split the ports that are being used
Click the blue button at the top. Select the serial port that currently is receiving GPS signal
Add the Two virtual ports that you'd like used. (We like to keep them higher than the highest real port used in Device manager. Usually above 10 is safe)
To Enable in GPS on a single computer
Go to C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Settings\DLL Settings
Open GPS file, change to com port in GPS.ini to one of the comports you created
Save a close the file
These settings can be transferred to other computers. This can be changed in the configuration wizard and a distribution run on the computers that need it. For more details on how to create a new distribution, see here:
Start TraCS
Find the configuration wizard
Open and make changes to the GPS settings
GPS Port # (This port should be the one we designated above)
Comm Port Setting (Again found out through the methods above)
If all your machines end up using different com ports, you will want to disable the GPS settings in your TraCS Distribution (If these values are already in this field, you can ignore this step).
open the Configuration Wizard form in TraCS and in Exclude These Settings from Distribution, make sure that GPS Source, GPS Port Number, and Comm Port Setting are all set in this box
If they are not there, add them and validate. Run the distribution on all machines that use GPS.
Pro Phoenix Implementation
Open Phoenix Client Application Manager
GPS Client Configuration
Check GPS Com/UDP Device Custom Config
Specify comport (Example “COM9”) Must type out COM
Baud Rate 4800
Data bits 8
Parity NONE
Stop bits 1
Open Task manager and end all tasks relating to ProPhoenix and GPS
Open TraCS to verify GPS is working
Open ProPhoenix to verify GPS is working
ProPhoenix can take a few minutes to correctly implement GPS config change
Spillman Integration
Navigate to the software and check the GPS Client and make sure it's using the correct port as well.
File -> GPS -> Status.
CIS Integration
Comports are detailed within the AVS section.
These might need to be changed on CIS side.