Out of State Travel (OST) Request Process (BOTS pilot)
The goal of this pilot process of is for employees to use a standardized email template that has been created along with standardized attached documents to request out of state (OST) travel through their direct supervisor. The new process is designed to streamline the work for the employee while at the same time providing the appropriate notifications/approvals up through the chain of command. Once approved at the DSP Director level, the employee can submit their request through PeopleSoft. PeopleSoft OST requests then go directly to the DSP Colonel, who will now know that all appropriate lower-level approvals have been completed beforehand.
Process Steps
Click on this link: OST Justification Form.docx
Save a copy the OST Justification Form.docx to your computer and complete the form.
Click on this link: OST Workbook.xlsx
Save a copy of the OST Workbook.xlsx to your computer and complete it.
Open a new email and copy the Subject content and Email Body content shown below into it.
Email Subject:
Copy/paste content below and update the highlighted items
OST REQUEST | Employee Name - [Replace with Conference/Training/Event Name & Date mm/dd/yy]
Email Body:
Copy/paste content below and update the highlighted items
Dear [Supervisor],
I am seeking approval to attend the [Conference/Training/Event Name] from [mm/dd/yy] to [mm/dd/yy].
Attached are the following completed documents:
OST Justification Form (Word document)
OST Workbook (Excel document)
In addition, I have included the following information:
Registration information & fees
Schedule at-a-glance or formal event agenda
Host hotel (if applicable)
Flight expense estimate (Google Flights search results)
· 3rd Party funding documentation (if applicable)
Funding string to be used. (confirm with your supervisor if unsure)
GL Unit: 39500
Bud Ref: FY2025
PC Bus Unit: 39500
Source Type: OTHER
NOTE: The requests should be submitted at least 60 days prior to actual trip/travel dates, whenever possible, to get all the required approvals. If it is less than 60 days, please note EXPEDITE and reason in the body of the email. Employees must include all relevant documentations and justification when creating the Travel Authorization (TA), for review by all approvers in the approval workflow. Once your OST REQUEST is approved by your bureau director you may enter the request into PeopleSoft for the Administrator’s and Secretary’s approval. (DSP_Simplified Job Aid attached). Forward a copy of the OST Workbook and Justification form to Budget & Policy-ADV JessicaA.Bader@dot.wi.gov and the Pcard holder for your business area.
[Employee Signature Line]
Process Steps (continued)
Attach your completed OST Justification Form, your OST Workbook, and any other items specified in the email template (agendas, flight expense estimates etc.).
Send the email with all attached items to your direct supervisor for review/approval.
Supervisors will then either reject the request or forward the email and content up the chain for approval through the Bureau Director’s level.
Once Bureau Director approval has been granted, the requesting employee will be notified that they are authorized to submit their OST request through PeopleSoft. See the following abbreviated guide to submitting the request through PeopleSoft. DSP Simplified PeopleSoft Job Aid for Out of State Travel (OST).docx
PeopleSoft OST requests are then routed to the direct supervisor for approval before being passed to the DSP Colonel for consideration/approval.
The benefits of this process are as follows:
It will be easier for users to search/find related emails if the subject lines for all out of state travel requests all contain OST REQUEST.
The provided OST Workbook document format matches the lines and fields that are needed for entry of the information into PeopleSoft.
The accounting included below assure that the correct codes and Project ID’s are being used.
Budget staff will receive a copy for matching 3rd party travel and to assist with questions.
The Pcard holder working with the traveler will have all the information available to them.
Bureau Directors and the Colonel will no longer be presented with OST requests that have not be reviewed by those supervisors that are earlier in the chain of command.
A table of the required Project ID and associated codes is included below:
Bureau of Transportation Safety and Tech Services (BOTTS) |
| ||||
Description | Project ID | Department ID | Appropriation | Fund |
Transportation Safety State Funds (Director/Sect Chief) | 395-0940-00-00 | 0607000000 | 56200 | 21100 |
Ped/Bike Program State Funds (Dave Dahms) | 395-0940-00-01 | 0607000000 | 56200 | 21100 | 000733863 |
Motorcycle Safety Program State Funds (Sarah B.) | 395-0940-00-03 | 0607000000 | 56200 | 21100 |
Policy Analysis State Funds (Donald & Stephanie) | 395-0940-00-04 | 0607000000 | 56200 | 21100 |
Impaired Driving State Funds | 395-0940-00-06 | 0607000000 | 56200 | 21100 |
Technology Services |
Crash Records | 395-0940-00-20 | 0607080400 | 56200 | 21100 |
Production Support (IT General) | 395-0540-04-17 | 0607080100 | 56400 | 21100 |
MACH | 395-0540-04-50 | 0607080300 | 56400 | 21100 |
Google Maps Fees | 395-0544-04-36 | 0606260000 | 52900 | 10000 |
TraCS | 395-0540-04-55 | 0607080200 | 56400 | 21100 |
Chemical Test | 395-0533-03-10 | 0607030000 | 52800 | 10000 |
Federal NHTSA Funds (project id will change Oct 1st) |
BOTS Planning & Adminstration State Funded (Pabst/Schwendau) | 39509400000 | 0607000000 | 56200 | 21100 |
BOTS Planning & Adminstration Federal Funded (Tina Bondurant, Valerie Payne, Macalister Crowe, vacant OOA position) | 39509851001 | 0607000000 | 58200 | 21100 |
Occupant Protection Program Mgt (Tim Dies) | 39509852001 | 0607000000 | 58200 | 21100 |
Impaired Driving Program Mgt | 39509853101 | 0607000000 | 58200 | 21100 |
BOTS Data Analysts - State Funded (Donald Lyden) | 39509400004 | 0607000000 | 56200 | 21100 |
BOTS Data Analysts - Federal (Stephanie Arduini) | 39509400004 | 0607000000 | 56200 | 21100 |
BOTS Data Analysts - Federal (Meredith Eichelberger) | 39509855001 | 0607000000 | 58200 | 21100 |
BOTS Data Analysts - Federal (Cassidy Oberreuter) | 39509855001 | 0607000000 | 58200 | 21100 |
BOTS Data Analysts - Federal (Stephanie Voller) | 39509855001 | 0607000000 | 58200 | 21100 |
Motorcycle Rider Outreach (Katya Nikolai) | 39509857001 | 0607000000 | 58200 | 21100 |
Motorcycle Program Support (Les Mlsna) | 39509857001 | 0607000000 | 58200 | 21100 |
Motorcycle Safety Program (Sarah Buzzell) | 39509400003 | 0607000000 | 56200 | 21100 |
PED/Bike Program Manager (Dave Dahms) | 39509400001 | 0607000000 | 56200 | 21100 |
Regional Outreach | 39509859001 | 0607000000 | 58200 | 21100 |