Additional Instructions RMS 2024

Badger TraCS Guides

Additional Instructions RMS 2024

Additional Instructions RMS 2024

For Agencies that use RMS use these instruction to update your RMS export instructions.


  • The UFAD form has been updated to version 2

  • Vehicle Custody is a new form

  1. Open the configuration wizard using a system admin user.

  2. Choose Import/Export in the Transmission Ribbon


  3. Highlight open Export Instructions

    1. Highlight ExportRMS Instruction


  4. Click Import button at the bottom of the page

    1. Choose No, Let Me Choose from the Template

    2. Highlight ufadV2 and VehicleCustody


    3. Click OK

    4. Put the similar forms together by using the up/down arrows (e.g. ufad.frm.exml next to ufadV2.frm.exml)

  5. If form is Active, ensure the new version of the form is Active as well (match the settings from the old version of the form).

    1. Verify the report type using the Reports button (shown below), ensuring the file type, file name extension, and all other settings are the same (needed for ImageToRMS settings.)

      1. NOTE: the Contact Summary form only exports in TraCS 10 Format


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