Warrant Reporting Details Group
Badger TraCS Guides
Warrant Reporting Details Group
This group is visible for all inspection levels and is required.
Suspected Crime Type
Date of Request
Does not auto enter
Entry type of requested
Was it Approved
Single list Yes or No
Will enable/disable
Date Approved
Entry Type Approved
Was this Executed
Date Approved
Date Field
Enabled only if Was it Approved equals Yes
Entry Type Approved
Single List
Enabled only if Was it Approved equals Yes
Was this Executed
Enabled only if Was it Approved equals Yes
Single list Yes or No
Will enable/disable
Date of Execution
Entry Type Executed
Written Property Inventory
Result in Great Bodily Harm
Result in Death
Total suspects present
Were Other Agency present during execution
Date of Execution
Enabled only if Was it Executed equals Yes
Entry Type Executed
Single List
Enabled only if Was it Executed equals Yes
Was warrant accompanied by written property inventory under 968.17
Enabled only if Was it Executed equals Yes
Single Yes or No List
Result in Great Bodily Harm
Single Yes or No List
Enabled only if Was it Executed equals Yes
Whose Great Bodily Harm
Type of Great Bodily Harm
Whose Great Bodily Harm
Multi List
Enabled only if Result in Great Bodily Harm equals Yes
Type of Great Bodily Harm
Multi List
Enabled only if Result in Great Bodily Harm equals Yes
Did Execution Result in Death
Single Yes or No List
Enabled only if Was it Executed equals Yes
Whose Death
Whose Death
Multi List
Enabled only if Did Execution Result in Death equals Yes
Total Suspected Present at the Scene?
Text field
Enabled only if Was it Executed equals Yes
Opens the number of Individual subgroups
Were other Agency Present during Execution
Single Yes or No List
Enabled only if Was it Executed equals Yes
Number of Involved Departments
No Knock Requested as Task Force
Number of Involved Departments
Text field
Enabled only if Were other Agency Present during Execution equals Yes
Opens the number of Involved Departments subgroups
No Knock Requested as Task Force
Single Yes or No List
Enabled only if Were other Agency Present during Execution equals Yes
, multiple selections available,
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email badgertracs@dot.wi.gov or call 608-267-2096