Badger TraCS Guides
Location Output Examples Citations
Location Output Examples (NTC & ELCI |
Here are the examples of locations for the NTC.
Location Type | What is entered into the Form From ILT and officer. |
Concatenated Fields Yellow Highlight From/At Street section Pink Highlight On Street Section | |
xml to WIJIS (Note this is just for the NTC, the ELCI just gets the value of the On Street Field) in 73 the location for the NTC was one field. | |
Printed Ticket (Note Format the same for ELCI and NTC) | |
Private Property w/ Street address
| |
[Structure Number] & [At Street]
| |
Parking Lot w/ Street address
| |
[At Street] & “LOT “ & [Structure Number]
| |
On street intersection or distance from intersection/ not off road | |
[on Street] | |
Private Property w/ Highway address | |
[Structure Number] &” “& [At Highway Type] & ‘ ‘ & [At Highway Number] | |
Parking Lot w/ Highway address | |
[At Highway Type] & ‘ ‘ & [At Highway Number] & “LOT “ & [Structure Number] | |
On Highway intersection or distance from intersection/ not off road | |
[On Highway Type] & ‘ ‘ & [On Highway Number] | |
Private Property w/ Highway address in Village or City limits (Alias) | |
[Structure Number] & [At Street] &”/“& [At Highway Type] & ‘ ‘ & [At Highway Number] | |
Parking Lot w/ Highway address in Village or City limits (Alias) | |
[At Street] &”/“& [At Highway Type] & ‘ ‘ & [At Highway Number] & “LOT “ & [Structure Number] | |
On Highway intersection or distance from intersection in Village or City limits (Alias)/ not off road | |
[On Street] &”/“& [On Highway Type] & ‘ ‘ & [On Highway Number] | |
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