Wisconsin Motor Vehicle Crash Annual Data Sets
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is now making its annual motor vehicle crash data sets available as open data. Work is underway to make recent (2017 and later) annual extracts available at WisDOT GIS Open Data as mapped data and in tabular formats.
In the interim, annual data are being provided as zipped archives of tabular, comma separated (CSV) files. The files are offered through publicly accessible Box.com links below. While accessing the files through Box.com may prompt the user to log in, doing so is optional and not required to browse and download these data.
The field meanings and layouts for these data are provided in WI_Crash_Data_Documentation.zip. As described below, these data originate from two different systems. The documents for the Crash System data contain the term “DT4000”; those for the Accident System data contain the term “Legacy”.
Crash System Data
From 2017 until the present, Wisconsin motor vehicle crash data have been collected, stored, and processed in the WisDOT Crash Reporting System and managed by the Division of State Patrol (DSP).
2020, 2021 and 2022 annual data are packaged into data archives and is now available from September 2023.
Accident System Data
Below are links to the annual data extracts from the WisDOT - Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Accident System as it operated from 1994 to 2016. The contents and formats of these extracts are as was provided to customers of the commercial version of these data prior to making these data open. Prior to 1994, crash data were collected in a different version of the accident system and had different formatting. Archives of these pre-1994 data are not available.
Document Version 20230916-001