BNEDI RF Instrumentation Inventory Log (SharePoint) How To
Link to BNEDI RF Instrumentation Inventory Log
Step 1. | Click: |
Step 2. | Enter the “make” of the instrument from the choices in the picklist. NOTE: This is a mandatory field. |
Step 3. | Enter the “model” of the instrument for the corresponding make from the choices in the picklist. NOTE: This is a mandatory field.
Step 4. | Enter the “serial number” of the instrument. NOTE: This is a mandatory field.
Step 5. | If applicable, please enter the WISCOM asset tag number. NOTE: This is a mandatory field. If the asset is not a WISCOM asset, please enter “N/A”.
Step 6. | If applicable, please enter the DSP asset tag number. NOTE: This is a mandatory field. If the asset is not a DSP asset, please enter “N/A”.
Step 7. | If you know the STAR Asset Management (AM) ID number, please enter it here. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Step 8. | Enter your name if you are the assigned user. Simply start typing and select your name when it appears. This is a lookup feature using Active Directory.
Step 9. | Enter the asset location from the picklist of abbreviated locations. If the asset is located somewhere other than one of the prescribed locations in the picklist, please notify Chief Wormet.
Step 10. | If you know the date of manufacturer, please enter it here. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Step 11. | If you know the date of last calibration, please enter it here. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Step 12. | If you know the date of last repair (separate from calibration), please enter it hear. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Step 13. | If you examined your instrument to complete this inventory log, please enter the date this information was last verified.
Step 14. | If you have any other notes, details, or information pertinent to the instrument or valuable to the inventory record of the instrument, please record it here.
Step 15. | If applicable, enter the date the instrument was removed from inventory. NOTE: This is likely an update to an existing record and not part of the initial entry of a new instrument.
Step 16. | If you have any photos, diagrams, manuals or other electronic media associated with the asset and would like to upload that information here, please click “Add attachments”.
Step 17. | When finished, simply press “Save” That’s it. We have now successfully entered a new asset into the BNEDI RF Instrumentation Inventory Log. |
Step 18. | If you are looking to edit information in an existing record, you will first need to select the record:
Step 19. | Now, click “Edit”:
Step 20. | Navigate to the appropriate field, make your change, and when finished, click “Save”:
Step 21. | If you are looking to view all of the instruments of a particular “make”, you may wish to use of the “views” created and tabbed at the top of the log:
Step 22. | For example, by selecting “Anritsu Instruments”, you will open the following view and display all of the logged Anritsu instruments: