Panasonic FZ-55 - Outlook Setup
Panasonic FZ-55 - Outlook Setup.docx
Panasonic FZ-55 - Outlook Setup
(DSP Production Support Unit - 9/12/2022)
Setting up Outlook
Type Outlook in the search box.
Right-click on Outlook and choose Pin to Taskbar.
Have the officer double-click on the Outlook icon in the Taskbar to open.
Have the officer verify that their email is in the box and correctly listed.
Have the officer erase the and enter their email address and click Next.
Have the officer enter their email password and click Sign in.
Officer can click OK to stay signed into all apps.
Click on Done.
Have the officer uncheck the Set-up Outlook on the mobile phone, too and click OK.
At this point the officer will most likely be automatically prompted to sign in to Office. If not, it will happen later. Have the officer click Sign In.
Have the office enter their email address.
Officer then enters their Email and Password.
Mapping network drives
The DOT Lan Shortcuts are located on each computer in the following location:
C:\Util\scripts\DOTLAN_scripts folder
Right-click on the file that corresponds with the assigned post and select Send to/Desktop (create shortcut).
This will create a shortcut on the desktop. Double-click on the shortcut to map your drives.
You can also manually map to the drives. Detailed instructions for mapping to drives can be found in Knowledge Owl and through the link below:
Mapping a Network Drive, Changing Post W Drive (
Additional setup (Officers)
Adding shared email boxes.
Outlook 365 adding another Mailbox (
Adding WISMDCN Network Printers.
Click on this link: \\vs-defprint01
Navigate to the printer you want to add, double-click on it and it will install. The printer should then appear in your list of printers.
In-Car Printers
In-car printers should automatically install. After docking, please leave the computer docked with printer on for up to 30 minutes while the printer drivers install. If the printer does not install correctly try the following troubleshooting steps:
PocketJet Printers not Installing Correctly | Wisconsin State Patrol (
If following the troubleshoot steps still has you unable to use your in-car printer contact DSPIT.DOT@DOT.WI.GOV for assistance.
Other notable items (Officers)
GPS issues. There have been some reports of the GPS not working in MACH. When this happens, users need to undock for the GPS to be found. Once the GPS is active in MACH, the MDC can be docked again.
The touch screen feature has been disabled because a known bug in the software.
The combination of the FN(function)key + F12 will turn on the backlit keyboard.