Offense/Incident Manager - Court Date Tool Instructions
Our developer has created a web-app that will allow court officers to add & delete court dates as needed for the courts that they are assigned. For personnel that are court officers for multiple Counties, fear not – you will be able to manage any and all County court schedules that you are a court officer for.
Court dates that are already on the server cannot be edited – we can only add or delete court dates. So, if you see errors in court dates and times that have already been saved to the server, you will need to delete that entry, and then add the corrected court date.
First things first…
The Counties that a Court Officer is able to edit is driven by the information in CORE. To see what Counties you are assigned, go to the Offense Incident Manager using Internet Explorer. (
Click ‘My Profile’ at the top of the page, and then scroll to the bottom of your profile. Under the Emergency Contact Information, there should be a ‘Court Officer/Roles and Responsibilities’ section that shows what Counties you are Court Officer for.
On Monday, September 28th, as long as you are listed as a court officer in the ‘My Profile’ section, you will see another link at the top of the Offense Incident Manager:
This link will only show if you are listed as a court officer.
Click the Court Officers link, which will give a dropdown menu. Then, click ‘Court Schedules’.
You should see the various court schedules for all the Counties you are assigned to. Click ‘EDIT SCHEDULE’ to begin editing.
Adding Court Dates
You can court dates one at a time, or if the court occurs on the same day of the week and time, you can quickly add the recurring court dates.
To add a single court date:
Type in the Date and the Time and click ‘Save’
To add a recurring court date:
Select the ‘Day of the Week’, ‘Start Date’, ‘Time’, and how many weeks you want it to recur.
***Please limit your court dates to eighteen months! Putting too many additional court dates will have a negative impact on the server speed.***
Once you click the ‘Save’ button, you will see a message pop up for a few seconds that indicates you have saved the date or dates successfully.
Deleting Court Dates
Deleting court dates is a simple task. Check the box or boxes to the left of each date to select specific court dates. If you really need to delete all court dates and start over, you can click the “SELECT ALL” button at the top to check all the court dates. When you click the “DELETE SELECTED”, you will get a pop up confirming the checked dates have been deleted.
Something to Consider
Not all courts are every week, and the Court Date Tool can only do weekly recurring court dates. So, many Counties do a variation of “every 3rd Tuesday” or “1st and 3rd Wednesdays”. Here’s a suggestion on how to tackle those types of court dates.
Since the court date is always on the same day, what you “could” do is use the recurring court dates and add every week, and then delete the ones that don’t apply.
For example, court is on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. Add every Wednesday for 2016 using the recurring court date tool and click ‘Save’. Then, the list will be displayed for you, and you can go thru and place a checkmark next to the dates that don’t apply and click “DELETE SELECTED”. BOOM! That just happened…
Parting Words…
The changes that you make are made directly to the TraCS database.
The field does not immediately see those additions or deletions that you have made. Weekly, we push out a distribution to the field which will update the field computers. So, if you make a change on Friday, it won’t take effect until later that next week.