Task 3.25: Schedule Data Transmissions

Video - Coming Soon

Purpose:  Schedules state data transmissions to run automatically on a computer at periodic intervals so that office administrative personnel do not have to manually transmit citations. 

Special Note: With the new baseline moving everything to Web Services, we have removed the instructions on automating End Shifting and Start shifting forms.


Create an e-mail notification for imports and exports.

Setup notification for Import/Export instructions.

The email subject/body can always be edited once everything is up and running.

Schedule Export for Auto-transmitting forms

Note: Can setup a single form type to start with, then apply to all the forms later on.

Set the selection criteria to be used for auto-transmitting forms.


Bring in Global Instructions for TransExport to run.

Schedule state data export (TransExport.)

 Note: the TransExport action prepares data for transmission to the state and courts/DA.

Note: Scheduling of tasks should be spaced out. You do not want tasks overlapping each other during the day. This will be important in the TransComm section below.

Set up Communications

Create an e-mail notification for transmission

Bring in Global Instructions for TransComm to run.

  • State Transmission files are all labeled like:

    • formsToWIJIS

    • pursuitToDSP

    • crashToTOPSLab

  • RMS Transmission files are all labeled like:

    • elciToRMS

    • ntcToRMS

    • crashToRMS


Schedule data transmission to court/DA, state, and local Records Management System.

Start Import/Export and TransComm services.


Make sure services are running, set to Automatic, and the Logon assigned to all.

The next task (3.27) will setup an automation to STOP and START services daily.

To properly reset services you need to Stop then Start.

The “Restart” option doesn’t cycle the services completely.