This group is visible for all inspection levels except Level 3 Driver only.
Importing Data
Radiological sites
- State
- Click DOE Sites on either the Origin City/State or Dest. City/State and a list will appear
- Choosing one of the sites will enter the City and State
Field Information
Origin City
- 40 character alphanumeric field
Origin State
- Drop Down list Includes
- US States
- Canada Providences
- Mexico States
Destination City
- 40 character alphanumeric field
Destination State
- Drop Down list Includes
- US States
- Canada Providences
- Mexico States
Shipping Paper #
- 20 character alphanumeric field
- Single List Other
- If not found on the list
Sipper Same as Carrier
- Choosing Yes will,
- fill in the Sipper Name from the Carrier Group
Shipper Name
- This can autofill from the Carrier Group
Hazardous Material Section
- This section will be disabled for Inspection Level 4
Exempt Number
- 5 character alphanumeric field
Placards Required
- enable/Disables the total Hazmat types field
Total HazMat Types
- Opens HazMat subgroups
- MCSAP Hazard Material Group
Cargo Tank
- Enable/Disables Cargo Tank Specification
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