Task 3.17(c): Create Users, TraCS Hosted Environment Alternative
Purpose: Creates users accounts so that users can sign into and use TraCS.
Once updated, the changes will immediately apply to all web services clients.
Requirements: send an email to badgertracshosted@dot.wi.gov.
Reporter tasks as found in User Guide (Officers) | Office Administrative tasks as found Office Administrator Guide (Clerical Staff) | Technical Support tasks as found Installation Guide (IT Staff) | Office Support tasks requiring only view, print, and e-mail capabilities. (Clerical Support Staff) |
All Forms | All Forms | All Forms | All Forms |
BasicUser | BasicUser | BasicUser | BasicUser |
Reporter | Reporter† | Reporter | |
Statuses | Statuses | Statuses | Statuses |
Supervisor | ViewOnly | ||
ConfidentialAttachment* | ConfidentialAdmin‡ | SystemAdmin | |
CitationAmend** |
*Give officers the ConfidentialAttachment access level if they will be using file link attachments and need to save the attachments to the confidential folder.
**Give supervisors the right to edit more of the ELCI and NTC citations, used in combination with an ini setting almost the entire citation can be modified.
†Give office clerical staff the Reporter access level if they will be editing data on forms.
‡Give ConfidentialAdmin access level to staff responsible for marking records confidential.
Note: if you do not plan on using all the forms in the Badger TraCS suite, you can limit the forms available to users by removing the All Forms access level and adding each form’s access level individually.
Note: BasicUser and Statuses access levels are required for all users in order for TraCS to function properly.
Note: The TraCS Supervisor access level is the access level that allows the office administrative staff to perform their duties. This is only the name of the access level and it does not necessary indicate that these individuals are supervisors within your organization.
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