Install Citation Numbers
If you are able to connect your Mobile or Office computer to your agency’s network (even for a few minutes) you will be able to install citation numbers on an individual machine through a very simple procedure. If your agency does not have network capability, you will need to use the “thumb drive method” discussed in the Bundle Citation Number section of this document.
Note: Network access is required for this procedure.
At the machine needing citation numbers:
Start TraCS with a user account that has been given “Number Manager” access level.
Select the Tools ribbon menu.
Select ELCI and then Install Citation Numbers.
Enter the quantity of citation numbers to install on the machine, typically no more than would be used in 6 months to a year.
Confirm the transaction by clicking yes.
You will receive a confirmation that the citation numbers were installed:
You have successfully added citation numbers to a Mobile or Office computer.
NOTE: if both ranges have not been depleted you will not be able to install numbers and will receive this error message.
NOTE: if no inventory left you will receive the following error. Please order citations number or email if in error.
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