Task 3.24: Enable Batch Transmission
Task 1.4.1 SMTP —set up an email database connection.
Complete Task 3.21: Configure Notification Service batch transmission doesn’t work without the email and notification services.
Note: These services need only be added to one office machine in the agency. For best practice set up a “Batch” machine that runs all 4 or 5 batch services and is only used for these services. This can be a virtual machine.
In the Windows control panel, select Administrative Tools and then double click Services.
Right click on the TraCS Batch Import Export and choose properties.
Select the Log On tab.
Click the This Account radio button
Special Note: using the local system account does not work
Enter the user name, including the domain name, of a user with authority to access the network TraCS location (if running TraCS in network mode) and the master computer. The service will run with this user’s Windows access rights.
Enter the user’s password in the password and confirm password fields.
Click OK.
Select the General Tab.
Choose Automatic in the Startup Type field.
NOTE: DO NOT START THE SERVIC HERE. The service will start automatically once you schedule an Import/Export in TraCS.
Right click on the TraCS Batch TransComm and choose properties.
Select the Log On tab.
Click the This Account radio button
Special Note: using the local system account does not work
Enter the user name, including the domain name, of a user with authority to access the network TraCS location (if running TraCS in network mode) and the master computer. The service will run with this user’s Windows access rights.
Enter the user’s password.
Click OK.
Select the General Tab.
Choose Automatic in the Startup Type field.
NOTE: DO NOT START THE SERVIC HERE. The service will start automatically once you schedule a Communication, in TraCS.
Close the Services dialog.