Workforce Assessment and Tracking by Coverage Hours (WATCH) Log Guidance - Sworn
Guide for consistent tracking and reporting of sworn employee staffing shortages during normal operating conditions as identified on the pre-published schedule. Staffing shortages, or coverage gaps, occurring post-publication shall be handled traditionally by manner of efficiency, effectiveness, and best practice.
The following linked log: DSP Sworn Workforce Assessment and Tracking by Coverage Hours (WATCH) Log will be the mechanism for the Post Lieutenant, or his/her designee to record the number of hours where coverage gaps occurred and that are being filled by an employee who is not assigned to that sector/county, or not assigned to that shift.
The format of the new log is shown below (sample entries).
To add a new entry, click on the +Add new item button to open a new form.
The form has four required fields* and an optional Additional Notes/Details field.
When the information has been entered, click Save.
To edit a previously entered item, select the record, then click on the Edit button to open the form for editing.
When the information has updated entered, click Save.
The logged information can be exported from the log for more detailed analysis and will also be displayed on the following new SharePoint page: WATCH Charts & Graphs
Links to the WATCH log and WATCH graphics page are available as quick links on the left side of the Bureau of Field Operations (BFO) Site - Home as shown below.
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