How to Edit an Access Database to Import into Hosted

How to Edit an Access Database to Import into Hosted

This is for agencies that are expiring all of their ordinances because they need to change the ordinance numbers.

In order for the helpdesk to import the ordinance changes you are requesting, you will need to edit the V3ViolationOrdinance table of a Custom.mdb database from the agency in question.

To grab a Custom.mdb file from a TraCS machine that has logged into TraCS recently. Go to C:\ProgramData\TraCS\DBData on this machine and copy the Custom.mdb file. Save this to a folder that specifies which agency this belongs to.

When you have this custom database, please make a backup version by naming it as the original, and then copy and paste it so you can rename the copy as the one you are going to edit. Keep the original incase you need to start over.

Open the version you plan on editing.

  • If there is a security warning at the top, click enable content.

  • On the left hand side, scroll down until you see the table called V3ViolationOrdinance. It should be the very last table you see.

  • Double click on this table. This should bring up a table of all the ordinances at the agency in question.

  • The first column you see in the table should be OrdinanceNumber (might say ordinanceN if there isn’t enough room)

  • Change each ordinance number to the correct one. Then send the database to us.

The table you are editing updates the file live so be careful when you are editing the file. It is saving constantly so even if you don’t “save”, whatever changes you make will be applied. This is why its important you made that backup file incase you need to start over.

Once you have made the necessary changes to the custom.mdb file for the agency, please upload them to the correct file upload link in the email and let me know when you are done.

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