2024 TraCS Pack History (Fall 2024)

All packs are cumulative. You only have to install the most current pack to get the benefit of all previous packs. The update servers will automatically serve the most current pack to your master computer. Once you approve the pack on your master computer it will be sent to the remaining TraCS computers in you agency.

Table Of Contents


WIPack241030 – Fall 2024 Pack

Table Updates

Agency Contact Data

Randolph PD ORI updated

Agency Contact Data

New Agency added: Milwaukee County Parks

Agency Contact Data

Agency name updated: Marathon CO Sheriffs Office

Agency Contact Data


Agency Contact Data

Corrected Agency BFUNC

Court Updates

Hidden Valleys Municipal Court address changed to:

723 Main Street

P.O. Box 188

Cashton, WI 54619

Court Updates

SOMERS JOINT MUNICIPAL COURT phone number changed to: 262.859.0305

Court Updates

Deforest Village Municipal Court website address updated to WWW.DEFORESTWI.GOV

Court Updates

New court added: Near North Municipal Court

Court Updates

Waushara County Circuit Court street changed to 380 S. Townline Rd.

Court Updates

Ashland County website URL added wcca.wicourts.gov/payOnline.html

Court Updates

Lakeside Municipal Court – FDL High School street address changed to: 85 Morningside Drive

Lakeside Municipal Court – FDL Middle School street address changed to: 85 Morningside Drive

Court Updates

Raymond Municipal Court routing type changed to MUNI

Court Updates

Updated the website to http://www.co.columbia.wi.us/columbiacounty/clerkofcourts for Columbia County Circuit Court

Statute Update: Traffic

346.48(1) 001 FAILURE TO STOP FOR SCHOOL BUS - Changed bond, Cir from 326.5 to 676.5 & muni from 212 to 562

346.48(2)(a) 001 IMPROPER USE/BUS WARNING LTS.-UNLOADING - Changed bond, Cir from 232 to 676.5 & muni from 117.5 to 562

346.48(2)(b)1 001 IMPROPER USE/BUS WARNING LTS.-LOAD. AREA - Changed bond, Cir from 232 to 676.5 & muni from 117.5 to 562

346.48(2)(b)2 001 IMPROPER USE/BUS WARNING LTS.-BUS. AREA - Changed bond, Cir from 232 to 676.5 & muni from 117.5 to 562

346.48(2)(bm) 001 IMPROPER USE/BUS WARNING LTS.-SCHOOL - Changed bond, Cir from 232 to 676.5 & muni from 117.5 to 562

346.48(2)(c) 001 IMPROPER USE/BUS WARNING LTS.-NONSCHOOL - Changed bond, Cir from 232 to 676.5 & muni from 117.5 to 562

346.48(3) 001 IMPROPER PASSING/STOPPED SCHOOL BUS - Changed bond, Cir from 326.5 to 676.5 & muni from 212 to 562

Statute Update: Traffic



Statute Update: Traffic

346.63(1)(a) 021 OWI (1ST) (PAC>=0.15) added $25 Surcharge to Circuit and Municipal Deposit

Statute Update: Natural Resources

Fixed DNR table Party to Vio field had extra spaces

Misc Table Updates

New Hospital added: Ascension Wisconsin Hospital – Greenfield

Misc Table Updates


Bug Fixes



WIPack240814 – August 2024 Pack (Table and Transmission updates only)

Agency Contact Data

Updated Park Falls Police Department to 441 3rd Street South, Park Falls WI 54552

Agency Contact Data

Updated Caledonia PD address to 5045 Chester Lane Caledonia, WI 53402

Bug Fixes

Incorrect failed transmission status fixed.

Court Updates


Court Updates


Court Updates

Changed Eastern Columbia County Municipal Court Columbus, Fall River, Pardeeville, Randolph, Cambria, Friesland, and Wyocena to 165 E Dodge St, Wyocena WI 53969. Website http://www.eccjmc.com, Phone number of 6084292323

Court Updates

Suring Village Municipal Court Routing changed from COWS to Quick Clerk

Court Updates

Updated Twin Lakes - Randall Municipal Court to PO BOX 1024 and court cost of $38

Updated Twin Lakes Village Municipal Court to PO BOX 1024, Phone number of (262) 877-2269 and court costs of $38


Update Credentials for Transmitting to the DOJ (Incident UFAD reporting) Direction for Batch systems – https://wi-state-patrol.atlassian.net/wiki/x/mQGwmg

Municipality Updates

Added Village of Greenleaf as available municipality.

Plate Type Updates

  • Added CRN-INTERNATIONAL CRANE FOUNDATION as an available plate type.

Statute Update: Non-Traffic

101.10(4) 001 Violate Anhydrous Ammonia Rules
109.03(2) 001 Fail/Pay Wages to Discharged Employee
109.03(3) 001 Fail/Pay Wages upon Employees Death
109.03(4) 001 Fail/Pay Wages to Separated Employee
118.15 003 Fail/Cause Child to Attend School (2nd+)
118.15(1) 002 Fail/Cause Child to Attend School
118.15(1) 003 Fail/Cause Child to Attend School (2nd+)
118.15(1)(a) 001 Fail/Cause Child to Attend School
118.15(1)(a) 002 Fail/Cause Child to Attend School (2nd+)
118.15(1)(am) 001 Fail/Cause Child to Attend School - 5-year-kindergarten
118.15(1)(am) 002 Fail/Cause Child to Attend School - 5-year-kindergarten (2nd
126.34(2) 001 Violation of chapter/ rule/ or order
126.34(2) 002 Intentional violation of chapter/ rule/ or order
126.34(3) 001 Violation of chapter/ rule/ or order
126.34(3) 002 Intentional violation of chapter/ rule/ or order
134.71(4) 003 2ndHand Jewel.Dealer Fail/Licensed(2nd+)
134.71(8)(a) 003 Pawnbroker-Fail/Check CustomerID(2nd+)
134.71(8)(b)1 003 Pawnbroker-Transaction w/ Minor(2nd+)
134.71(8)(c)1 003 Pawnbroker-Fail/Customer Sign Form(2nd+)
136.06(2)(b) 001 Future Service Plan Contract Fail/Disclose Customer Normal C
136.06(2)(c) 001 Future Service Plan Contract Fail/Disclose Supply Agreement
136.06(2)(d) 001 Future Service Plan Contract Fail/Disclose Risk/Damage Info
136.06(2)(e) 001 Future Service Plan Contract Fail/Disclose Policy Regarding
136.06(2)(f) 001 Future Service Plan Contract Fail/Disclose Policy Regarding
100.57(2) 001 Tax Preparer - Disclose Information Obtained in the Course o
103.85(1) 001 Employer Fail/Provide 7th Day Off
103.85(3) 001 Employer Fail/Maintain Time Book
103.86(1) 001 Employer Default to Pay Ee Welfare Funds
103.87 001 Employee Discharge for CH.48 Testimony
103.91(1) 001 Migrant Labor-Contractor Fail/Registered
133.04(1) 001 Unlawful Price Discrim./Destroy Compet.
133.04(1) 002 Unlawful Price Discrim./Compet.(FORFEIT)
133.05(1) 001 Unlawful Rebates/Trade Practices
133.05(1) 002 Unlawful Rebates/Trade Practices/FORFEIT
133.05(2) 001 Solicit/Unlawful Rebates/Trade Practices
133.05(2) 002 Solicit/Unlawful Rebates/Trade(FORFEIT)
199.105(2) 001 Wilfully Interfere w/CUB Mailing
199.14(1) 001 Wilfully Offer Bribes to CUB Agent/Ee
199.14(2) 001 CUB Agent/Ee Wilfully Accept Bribes
213.07 001 False Reporting/Fire Fighter Membership
136.10(1) 001 Future Service Plan Contractor Fail to Maintain Bond
139.321(2) 001 Cigarette Retailer Purchase/Unlic.Manufr
139.34(1)(a) 001 Cigarette Manufacturer Fail/Licensed
139.34(4) 001 Cigarette Manufr Fail/Get Sep. Permits
139.345(1)(a) 001 Cigarette Direct Marketing Violation
139.345(1)(b) 001 Cigarette Direct Marketing Violation
139.345(1)(d) 001 Cigarette Direct Marketing Violation
145.06(1)(a) 002 Plumber Fail to be Licensed (Forfeiture Penalty)
157.70(2r) 001 Intention.Disturb Dedicated Burial Site
157.70(2r) 002 Intention.Disturb Undedicated BurialSite
157.70(3) 001 Burial Sites-Fail/Report Disturbance
157.70(4)(b) 001 Burial Sites-Owner Permit Disturbance
157.70(4)(d) 001 Burial Sites-Disturbance w/o Consent
157.70(5)(a) 001 Burial Sites-Disturbance w/o Permit
16.009(5)(a)1 001 Discriminate Against Person-Aging Board
167.07(2)(a)3 001 Illegally Store Match Boxes-Retail Store
167.07(2)(b)1 001 Fail/Secure Matches in Storage
167.07(2)(b)2 001 Overpile Matches in Warehouses
167.07(2)(b)3 001 Store Matches Near Boiler/Furnace
167.07(2)(b)4 001 Store Matches Near Explosure Materials
167.07(2)(c) 001 Overpacked Matches in Warehouse
167.07(3) 001 Violate Match/Shipping Rules (Number)
167.07(3) 003 Violate Match/Shipping Rules (#)/2nd
167.25(1) 001 Improperly Discard/Abandon Refrigerator
167.26(1g) 001 Leave Unguarded Ice Holes
167.26(1m) 001 Leave Unguarded Ice Holes - Lake Buttes des Morts/ Lake Poyg
167.26(2)(a) 001 Leave Unguarded Aerated Water Ice Holes
167.26(2)(b) 001 Violate Ice Hole Barricade Requirements
167.26(2)(c) 001 Fail to Remove Ice Hole Barricade
167.26(2m)(a) 001 Fail/Provide Warning of Water Quality Project Ice Holes
167.32(4)(b) 001 Possess/Consume Alcohol/Sporting Event
134.65(4) 001 Cig Retailer Fail/Keep Records
134.65(4) 002 Cig Retailer Fail/Records (2nd+/DueCare)
134.65(4) 005 Cig Retailer Fail/Keep Records(2nd+)
134.65(5m) 001 Cig Retailer-Provide False Information in Application
175.32(3) 001 Failure to Report Threat to Health/Safety at School
175.35(2) 001 Handgun Transfer w/in Waiting Period
175.35(2f) 001 Handgun Transfer-Dealer Give False Info
175.35(2j) 001 Handgun Transfer-Dealer Fail/Keep Record
175.37(1) 001 Warning Whenever Transferring a Firearm
175.60(11)(b)1 003 Concealed Carry License - Fail to Inform of New Address
134.71(8)(c)2 002 Pawnbroker-Fail/Keep Forms/Records(2nd+)
134.71(8)(c)3 001 Pawnbroker-Fail/Keep Weekly List
134.71(8)(c)3 002 Pawnbroker-Fail/Keep Weekly List (2+)
134.71(8)(d)1 001 Pawnbroker-Violate Holding Period
134.71(8)(d)1 003 Pawnbroker-Violate Holding Period(2nd+)
134.71(8)(d)2 001 SecondHand Dealer-Violate Holding Period
134.71(8)(d)2 003 2ndHand Dealer-Violate Hold.Period(2nd+)
134.71(8)(d)3 001 SecondHand Jeweler-Violate HoldingPeriod
182.001(4) 001 Violate Order/Injunction(Corp. Own Farm)
182.0175(1m)(a) 001 Establish One-Call Communication System - Owners of Transmis
182.0175(2m)(a)1 001 Trans.Facility Owner Fail/Respond Notice
182.0175(3r) 001 Remove/Move Trans.Facility Marking
182.018(3) 001 Wires Hung Over Railroad Tracks - Comply with State Electric
186.03(1) 001 Illegal Use of Credit Union Name
145.11(1)(c) 001 Unlicens.Plumber AppendName/Misrepresent
145.11(2) 001 Display/Plumbing Title if Unlicensed
145.11(3) 001 Plumbing Advertisement w/o LicenseNumber
192.31(5) 001 RR-Fail/File Telltale Report Yearly
192.32(2) 002 RR-Fail/Post Trespassing Fines
192.321 001 RR-Getting On/Off Railroad Cars
192.327(2) 001 RR-Illegal Transport/Ee by Motor Vehicle
192.33(1) 001 RR-Fail/Use Fence/Cattle Guard at Cross.
110.064(1)(a) 001 Fail/Safisfy Motor Bus Safety Rules
146.83(4)(b) 001 Conceal/Withhold Health Care Record
146.83(4)(c) 001 Intentionally Destroy/Damage Health Info
103.02 001 Violate Employment Hours/Labor Rules
103.10(14)(a) 001 Employer Fail/Post Family Leave Act
103.10(14)(b) 001 Fail/Post Employers Family Leave Act
13.26(1)(a) 003 Legislative Contempt-Illegal Arrest
13.26(1)(b) 001 Legislative Contempt-Disorderly Conduct
157.62(1)(a) 005 Cemetery-Intention.Fail/File StateReport
157.62(1)(a) 006 Cemetery-Fail/File State Report
16.009(5)(a)2 001 Discriminate Against Person-Aging Board
169.36(10)(b) 001 Fail/Submit Annual Report-Wild. License
174.042(1)(a) 002 Dog Running at Large (2+)
174.042(4) 001 Permit Dog to Run-at-Large/Be Untagged
175.60(12)(a) 003 Misuse Concealed Carry License Information by DOJ Employee
175.60(12)(b) 002 Improper Law Office Request for Concealed Carry License
175.60(12)(c) 002 Improper Release of Concealed Carry Information to Public
175.60(12g)(b)1 002 Misuse of Concealed Carry Information by Law Officer - Relea
175.60(12g)(b)2 002 Misuse of Concealed Carry Information by Law Officer - Store
175.60(12g)(b)3 002 Misuse of Concealed Carry Information by Law Officer - Sort
186.03(2) 001 Fail/Use Credit Union Name
186.03(3) 001 Fail/Obtain Credit Union Name Approval
32.26(6) 001 Eminent Domain-Fail/Prepare Info Pamphl.
32.29 001 Eminent Domain-Official Use/False State.
302.07 001 Failure to Obey Command of Warden/Superintendent
302.375(1m)(a) 001 Sell/Deliver Intox. Liquor to Prisoner
302.375(1m)(b) 001 Permit Prisoner/Have Contr.Subs./Liquor
31.12(1) 001 Fail/Submit Map/Profile for Dam
31.18(1) 001 Fail/Maintain Dam Locks
31.18(2) 001 Charge Toll for Dam Locks Passage
31.185(1) 001 Fail/Obtain Permit to Abandon Dam
31.21(1) 001 Illegal Title Transfer of Dams
13.26(1)(c) 001 Legislative Contempt-Refusal/Witness
13.26(1)(d) 001 Legislative Contempt-Offering/Bribe
13.625(3) 001 Lobby Laws-Violations by Candidate
13.63(2) 001 Lobby Laws-Lobbying After Revocation
103.25(3m)(b) 003 Street Trade-Fail/Stamp Permit(Parent)
103.25(3m)(b) 004 Street Trade-Fail/Stamp Permit(Parent)2+
103.27(1) 001 Street Trade-Fail/Keep Record/Minor-2nd+
103.27(1) 002 Street Trade-Fail/Keep Record for Minor
103.27(1) 003 Street Trade-Fail/Keep Record(Parent)
103.27(1) 004 Street Trade-Fail/KeepRecord(Parent)2nd+
103.27(2) 001 Street Trade-Fail/File Permit (2nd+)
103.27(2) 002 Street Trade-Fail/File Permit
103.275(6)(a) 003 Street Trade-Fail/Notify Police(Parent)
103.275(6)(a) 004 StreetTrade-Fail/NotifyPolice(Parent)2nd
100.55(2)(a) 001 Furnish Trigger Lead to Third Party for Use in Solicitation
100.55(2)(c) 001 Use Trigger Lead for Solicitation
134.43(2)(a) 001 Cable TV Privacy-Monitor Use
134.66(2)(am) 001 Retailer Provide Tobacco to Minor
134.66(2)(am) 002 Retailer Provide Tobacco to Minor (2nd)
145.15(4) 001 Fire Sprinkler Contractor Fail/Licensed
30.123(5) 001 Fail/Maintain Bridge/Navigable Water
30.123(5) 003 Fail/MaintainBridge/NavigableWater(2nd+)
30.126(10)(a) 001 Violate Fishing Raft Dept. Rules/Orders
30.133(1) 001 Illegal Conveyance of Riparian Rights
30.133(1) 002 Illegal Conveyance Riparian Rights (2+)
29.304(1)(a) 001 Hunting by Minor(<12 Years Old)
29.304(1)(b) 001 Possession/Firearm by Minor (<12)
29.304(1)(c) 001 Hunting Permit by Minor(<12 Years Old)
29.304(2)(a) 001 Hunting by Minor (12-14 Years Old)
29.304(2)(b) 001 Possession/Firearm by Minor (12-14)
29.304(3)(a) 001 Hunting by Minor (14-16 Years Old)
29.304(3)(b) 001 Possession/Firearm by Minor (14-16)
29.311(1) 001 Illegal Use of Lead Shotshell in Hunting
100.171(2) 001 Fail/Give Written Notice of Prize
100.171(3)(a) 001 Exclude Reqd Info in Written Notice
100.171(4) 001 Fail/Follow Sales Presentation Guideline
101.583(1)(b)1 003 Er Wilfully Fail/Retain List/Work Toxins
101.583(2)(a)1 001 Er Fail/Give Toxin Name to Employee
101.583(2)(a)1 003 Er Wilfully Fail/Give ToxinName/Employee
101.583(2)(a)10 001 Er Fail/Give Toxin Precaution/Employee
101.583(2)(a)10 003 Er Wilfully Fail/Give ToxinPrecaution/Ee
101.583(2)(a)11 001 Er Fail/Give Cleanup/Toxins to Employee
101.583(2)(a)11 002 Er Wilfully Fail/Give Cleanup/Toxins/Ee
101.583(2)(a)2 001 Er Fail/Give Chemical Name/Toxin to Ee
100.182(4) 002 Ads/Controlled Substance-like Drug-Civil
100.182(4) 003 Advertise/Controlled Substance-like Drug
100.183(1) 001 Fraudulent Advertising of Food Products
100.183(2) 001 Unlabeled Advertising if Inferior Food
100.183(3) 001 Unlawful Turkey Advertising
100.184 001 Advertising Price/Product w/o Weight/etc
100.185(2) 001 Advertise or Conduct Musical Performance by False/ Deceptive
100.186(1) 001 Sale of Unpure Linseed/Flax Oil
11.0204(1)(a) 001 Fail to Make Full Report
11.0204(3)(a) 001 Failure to File a Pre-Election Report
100.201(2)(a)1 001 Dairy/Wholesaler-Unlawful Discounts/etc.
100.201(2)(a)2 001 Dairy/Wholesaler-Fail/File Address
100.201(2)(a)3 001 Dairy/Wholesaler-Fail/Allow Inspection
100.201(2)(b) 001 Dairy/Wholesaler-Discriminate in Price
100.175(2) 001 Dating Service-Fail/Provide Contract
100.175(3) 001 Dating Service-Contract Violations
100.175(4) 001 Dating Service-Contract Length Violation
100.175(5)(a) 001 Dating Service-Collect Excessive Fee
100.175(6) 001 Dating Service-Fail/Fulfill Contract
100.177(11)(a) 001 Fitness Center-Facilities Unavailable or Operational
100.186(2) 001 Sale of Unlabeled Raw/Boiled Linseed Oil
100.186(3) 001 Sale of Unlabeled Linseed Oil Compounds
100.186(4)(a) 001 Sale of Unpure Dry White Lead
100.186(4)(b) 001 Sale of Unpure White Lead in Oil
100.186(4)(c) 001 Sale of Unlabeled Lead Linseed Oil
100.186(4)(d) 001 Sale/Unlabeled Lead Sulfate/Linseed Oil
100.186(4)(e) 001 Sale of Unpure Zinc Ozide/Zinc White
100.186(4)(f) 001 Sale/Unpure Zinc Ozide in Linseed Oil
100.201(2)(e) 001 Dairy/Wholesaler-Sale/Equipment/Retailer
100.201(2)(f) 001 Dairy/Wholesaler-Maintain Retailer Equip
100.201(2)(g) 001 Dairy/Wholesaler-Extend Credit/Retailer
100.201(2)(h)1 001 Dairy/Wholesaler-Destroy Competition
100.201(2)(i)1 001 Dairy/Wholesaler-Giving Value for Sale
100.201(4) 001 Unlawful Acts by Dairy Retailer
100.201(5)(a) 001 Unlawful Acts by Dairy Broker
100.201(5)(b) 001 Unlawful Acts by Dairy Wholesaler
100.235(2) 001 VegCrop-Intentionally Fail/Pay Grow Cost
100.235(2) 002 VegCrop-Fail/Pay Grow Cost
101.145(4) 001 Owner Fail/Install SmokeDetect./Basement
101.149(2)(e) 001 Install Carbon Monoxide Detector In Compliance With Instruct
101.149(3)(a) 001 Reasonably Maintain Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Residence
101.149(3)(b) 001 Owner Must Repair Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Multi-Unit Dw
101.149(4) 001 Tamper With/Destroy/Disconnect Carbon Monoxide Detector
101.178(2) 001 Unlicensed Heating/Air Installation
101.583(2)(a)2 004 Er Wilfully Fail/Give Name/Toxin/Ee
101.583(2)(a)3 001 Er Fail/Give Boiling Pt./Toxin to Ee
101.583(2)(a)3 003 Er Wilfully Fail/GiveToxinBoiling Pt./Ee
101.583(2)(a)4 001 Er Fail/Give Flash Pt./Toxin to Employee
101.583(2)(a)4 003 Er Wilfully Fail/Give Toxin Flash Pt./Ee
101.583(2)(a)5 001 Er Fail/Give Exposure Level/Toxin to Ee
101.583(2)(a)5 003 Er Wilfully Fail/Exposure Level/Toxin/Ee
101.583(2)(a)6 001 Er Fail/Give Stability/Toxin to Employee
101.595(2) 003 Wilfully Retailiate/Ee Refuse/Work/Toxin
101.597(1) 001 Employer Fail/Train Employee/Toxic Agent
103.275(3)(a) 001 Street Trade-Fail/Prove Ability/Pay
103.275(3)(a) 002 Street Trade-Fail/Prove Ability/Pay-2nd+
103.34(9) 001 Prohibitions - Traveling Sales Crews (1st)
103.34(9) 002 Prohibitions - Traveling Sales Crews (2nd & subsequent)
103.43(1) 001 Fraudulent Advertising for Labor
103.45 001 Unlawful Use/Time Checks as Wages
103.68(2) 001 Employ/Minor-Illegal Hours if <16 (2nd+)
103.68(2) 002 Employ/Minor-Illegal Hours if <16
103.68(2) 003 Employ/Minor-Illegal Hours/<16(Parent)
103.68(2) 004 Employ/Minor-Illegal Hrs/<16(Parent)2nd+
103.68(3) 001 Employ/Minor-Illegal Meal Times(2nd+)
103.68(3) 002 Employ/Minor-Illegal Meal Times
103.68(3) 003 Employ/Minor-Illegal Meal Times(Parent)
103.68(3) 004 Employ/Minor-Illegal Meals(Parent)2nd+
103.91(8)(a) 001 Migrant Labor-Fail/Carry Certificate
103.91(8)(b) 001 Migrant Labor-Fail/File Address
103.91(8)(c) 001 Migrant Labor-Fail/Make Payments
103.91(8)(d) 001 Migrant Labor-Fail/Comply w/ Agreement
103.91(8)(e) 001 Migrant Labor-Fail/Maintain Records
103.91(8)(f) 001 Migrant Labor-Fail/Obtain Insurance
103.91(9)(a) 001 Migrant Labor-Provide False Info/Worker
103.91(9)(b) 001 Migrant Labor-Withholding of Wages
106.50(2)(j) 002 Unlawfully Discriminate: Interfering w/ Enjoyment of Persons
13.64(1) 001 Lobby Laws-Fail/Register (>$500)
13.64(3) 001 Lobby Laws-Lobbyist Employer Fail/Notice
13.65 001 Lobby Laws-Lobbyist Fail/Authorized
13.66 001 Lobby Laws-Failure to be Licensed
13.67(1) 001 Lobbyist Fail/Report Legis. Proposals
13.68(1) 001 Lobbyist Employer Fail/File Expenses
13.68(4) 001 Lobbyist Fail/File Expenses
13.68(5) 001 Lobbyist Er Fail/Keep Expense Records
134.03 001 Preventing the Pursuance of Work
134.04(1) 001 Employer Sell Mdse to Employee
134.04(1) 003 Employer Sell Mdse to Employee(2nd+)
134.05(1) 002 Bribery of Agent/Servant/Employee
134.05(2)(a) 002 Agent Accept Bribe
134.05(2)(b) 002 Agent Accept Commission/Bonus
134.05(3) 002 Offer Commission/Bonus as Bribe
134.06 001 Bonus to Chauffeur for Purchase
145.165(1) 001 Fire Sprinkler Fitter Fail/Licensed
145.175 001 Fire Sprinkler/Maintenance Fail/Licensed
145.20(5)(b) 001 Failure to Pump or Inspect Sanitary
145.20(6)(a)1 001 State Inspector - Conduct Soil Testing Activities
154.15(1) 001 Damage/Conceal/etc. Living Will Document
154.29(1) 001 Damage Do-Not-Resuscitate Bracelet
154.29(3) 001 Threaten/Intimidate-Do Not Resuscitate
154.30(10) 001 Conceal/Cancel/Damage Final Disposition Authorization w/o Co
157.12(2)(b) 005 Cemetery-Intent.Violate Vault Construct.
157.12(2)(b) 006 Cemetery-Violate Vault Construction Rule
157.12(2)(b) 008 Cemetery - Violate Vault Construction (Subsequent Offense)
19.45(8)(c) 001 Former Off. Act/Previous Jud. Proceeding
19.45(8)(c) 002 Former Off. Act/Previous Jud. Proceeding
19.45(9) 001 Atty/General Practice of Private Law
19.45(9) 002 Atty/General Practice of Private Law
19.46(1)(a) 001 Pub/Official Conflict/Interest-Finances
19.46(1)(b) 001 Pub/Official Conflict/Interest-Benefits
19.59(1)(a) 001 Official Use Position/Monetary Gain
192.15(10) 001 RR-Fail/Equip Cab w/ Speedometer
192.15(11) 001 RR-Fail/Equip Engine w/ Whistle/Horn
192.15(12) 001 RR-Fail/Equip Cab w/ Fire Extinguisher
192.15(13) 001 RR-Fail/Repair Equipment Timely
192.15(3) 001 RR-Fail/Sufficiently Insulate Cabs
192.15(4) 001 RR-Fail/Provide 2 Doors on Cabs
196.65(1)(d) 001 Pub.Utility Employee Evade Questions
196.65(1)(d) 003 Pub.Utility Officer Evade Questions
283.55(1)(d) 003 Pollution-Fail/Sample Discharges
283.55(1)(e) 001 Pollution-Wilfully Fail/Provide Info
283.55(1)(e) 002 Pollution-Wilfully Fail/Provide Info(2+)
283.55(1)(e) 003 Pollution-Fail/Provide Information
283.55(2)(b) 001 Pollution-Wil. Refuse Access to Official
283.55(2)(b) 002 Pollution-Wil.Refuse Access/Official(2+)
254.162(1)(e) 002 Knowingly Fail/Screen for Lead Exposure
254.162(1)(f) 001 Fail to Screen for Lead Exposure
254.162(1)(f) 002 Knowingly Fail/Screen for Lead Exposure
254.162(2) 001 Fail/Provide Lead Exposure Information
254.59(5) 002 Nuisance-Other Source Violations
172.08(1) 001 Allowing Rams to Run At Large
173.41 001 Dog Sales/Animal Shelter Violation - 1st Offense
173.41 002 Dog Sales/Animal Shelter Violation - 2+ offense within 5 yea
173.41(8)(a) 001 Sell a dog w/o doc. of health req. 1st offense
173.41(8)(a) 002 Sell a dog w/o doc. of health req. 2+w/5 yrs
287.07(4m)(bm) 001 Improper Disposal of Oil Absorbent Materials - 1st Offense
287.07(4m)(bm) 002 Improper Disposal of Oil Absorbent Materials - 2nd Offense
287.07(4m)(bm) 003 Improper Disposal of Oil Absorbent Materials - 3rd Offense
29.219(1)(a) 001 Resident Fisher Fail/Licensed
29.228(1)(a) 001 NonResident Fisher Fail/Licensed
26.12(6)(b) 001 Illegal Felling of Slash
26.12(7) 001 Illegal Disposal of Slash
26.19(2) 001 Destruction of Fire Notices
26.20(2) 001 Operate/Train w/o Spark Arrester
287.93 001 Solid Waste-Interference w/ Inspection
287.97 001 Solid Waste-Violate Dept Rules
289.21(1) 001 Fail/File Landfill Site Report
26.20(6)(a) 003 RR Wilfully Fail/Report Causing Fire
281.48(3)(a) 001 Septic Service-Fail/Licensed
23.335(12)(a)2m. 001 Off-Highway Motorcycle - Operate Controlled Substance
250.045(5)(b)1 001 Interfere w/ DHSS Drug Inspectors
250.045(5)(b)2 001 Give False Info to DHSS Drug Inspector
252.03(4) 002 Interfere w/ Health Off.s Investigation
252.04(6) 001 Fail/Provide Proof of Immunization
252.05(1) 002 Doctor Fail/Report Communicable Disease
252.05(3) 002 Person Fail/Report Communicable Disease
30.62(2)(e) 001 Tamper w/Boat Engine to Exceed Max Noise
30.62(2)(e) 002 Tamper w/BoatEngine/ExceedMaxNoise-2nd+
30.625(1m) 001 Rent/Lease Personal Watercraft - Under 16 Years Old
30.625(1m) 002 Rent/Lease Personal Watercraft - Under 16 Years Old (2+ w/in
30.63(1) 001 Sale of Restricted Outboard Motors
30.63(1) 003 Sale of Restricted Outboard Motors(2nd+)
30.63(2) 001 Use/Restricted Outboard Motors
30.63(2) 003 Use/Restricted Outboard Motors(2nd+)
30.206(3)(a) 001 Fail/Notify/General Permit Activity
30.206(3)(c) 001 Fail/Notify/General Permit Activity
48.65(1) 001 Day Care Provider Fail/Licensed
48.658(3)(a) 001 Child Care Vehicle Alarms - Knowingly Transport
48.825(2)(a) 001 Advertise to Find a Child to Adopt
48.825(2)(b) 001 Advertise for Adoptive Home for a Child
48.825(2)(c) 001 Advertise to Place Child for Adoption
48.825(3m) 001 Publish Adoption Advertising
48.979(1m)(g) 001 Improper Delegation of Parental Powers
48.981(2) 001 Fail/Report Child Abuse/Neglect
48.981(5) 001 Coroner Fail/Report Child Abuse/Neglect`
48.981(7)(e) 001 Reveal Confidential Child Abuse Report
48.981(7)(f) 001 Violate Confidential./Child Abuse Report
50.03(13)(b) 001 Nursing HomeTransferor Fail/Notify
50.03(13)(b) 002 Nursing HomeTransferor Fail/Notify(2nd+)
93.07(21) 001 Dairy Plant-Fail/Maintain Statistics
93.09(8) 001 Fail/Conform Ag/Trade Dept Standards
93.10(2) 001 Alter Ag/Trade Certificate on Product
93.11(7) 001 False Licensing/Food Grade Inspectors
93.14(3) 001 Wilfully Fail/Attend Ag/Trade Hearing
93.15(3) 001 Wilfully Fail/File Ag/Trade Reqd Report
157.12(2)(c) 007 Cemetery - Violate Public Vault Rules (Subsequent Offense)
12.13(3)(am) 001 Election Fraud-Fail/File Amend.Candidacy
118.03(3) 001 Textbook Dealer Sell >15% Net List Price
118.12(2)(a) 001 School Employee Profit/Sale to Schools
118.12(2)(b) 001 Educ. Employee Profit/Sale to Schools
118.123(1) 001 Fail/Make CH.115-121 School Reports

948.45(1) 002 CONTRIBUTING TO TRUANCY (COUNTY ORDINANCE) Added new, request from TraCS

Misc Table Updates

Added the following confidential types.

  • Internal/Departmental

  • Safe at Home Act

  • Act 235

Misc Table Updates

Added trailer model ALCOM

Misc Table Updates

Force Type

  • Modified Impact Projective to Impact Projectile

Insurance Company Deletes

Removed Advanced Disposal Services Solid Waste Midwest LLC from Insurance company table.

WIPack240606 – June 2024 Pack

Agency Contact Data

The ORI for RANDOLPH POLICE DEPARTMENT is updated to WI0140800

Agency Contact Data

New Agency: WI Lottery Office of Enforcement & Compliance

Statutes Modified:Traffic

346.62(2) 002 RECKLESS DRIVING-ENDANGER SAFETY Cir Ct fee $974.50 to $999.50 - Muni Ct fee $860 to $885
346.62(2) 003 RECKLESS DRIVING-ENDANGER SAFETY-WORK AREA Cir Ct fee $1226.5 to $1251.50 - Muni Ct fee $1112 to $1137
346.62(2) 005 RECKLESS DRIVING/ENDANG SAFETY-WORK/ER/RESPONSE BODILY HARM Cir Ct fee $1126.5 to $1251.50 - Muni Ct fee $527 to $1137
346.62(2m) 001 RECKLESS DRIVING-RAILROAD CROSSING Cir Ct fee $1778.50 to $1803.50 - Muni Ct fee $1,664 to $1689
346.62(2m) 002 RECKLESS DRIVING-RAILROAD CROSSING-WORK AREA Cir Ct fee $2834.50 to $2859.50 - Muni Ct fee $2720 to $2745
346.63(1)(a) 002 OPERATING WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE Cir Ct fee $1037.50 to $1062.50 - Muni Ct fee $923 to $948
346.63(1)(am) 001 OPERATE WITH CONTROL SUBSTANCE (1ST) Cir Ct fee $1037.50 to $1062.50 - Muni Ct fee $923 to $948
346.63(1)(am) 020 OPER W/CONTROL SUBS (1ST)(PAC>=0.15) Cir Ct fee $1037.50 to $1062.50 - Muni Ct fee $923 to $948
346.63(1)(b) 032 OPERATING W/PAC (1ST) Cir Ct fee $1037.50 to $1062.50 - Muni Ct fee $923 to $948
346.63(1)(b) 031 OPERATING W/PAC >=0.15 (1ST) Cir Ct fee $1037.50 to $1062.50 - Muni Ct fee $923 to $948
346.63(5)(a) 001 OPERATE CMV W PAC >=.04 <.08 (1ST) Cir Ct fee $1037.50 to $1062.50 - Muni Ct fee $923 to $948
346.63(5)(a) 004 OPERATE CMV W PAC >=.04 <.08 (PASS. <16) (1ST) Cir Ct fee $1352.5 to $1377.5 - Muni Ct fee $1238 to $1263
346.90 001 FOLLOW TOO CLOSE TO EMERGENCY VEH Added OU & 90Z to change Crim Flag from Y to N
346.90 003 FOLLOW TOO CLOSE TO EMERGENCY VEH (2ND+) Added OU & 90Z to change Crim Flag from Y to N
346.90 005 PARKING NEAR EMERGENCY VEHICLE Added OU & 90Z to change Crim Flag from Y to N
346.90 006 PARKING NEAR EMERGENCY VEHICLE (2ND+) Added OU & 90Z to changed Crim Flag from Y to N
346.48(3) 001 IMPROPER PASSING/STOPPED SCHOOL BUS Changed pts from 3 to 4
346.48(2)(a) 001 IMPROPER USE/BUS WARNING LTS.-UNLOADING Changed pts from 3 to 4
346.48(2)(b)1 001 IMPROPER USE/BUS WARNING LTS.-LOAD. AREA Changed pts from 3 to 4
346.48(2)(b)2 001 IMPROPER USE/BUS WARNING LTS.-BUS. AREA Changed pts from 3 to 4
346.48(2)(bm) 001 IMPROPER USE/BUS WARNING LTS.-SCHOOL Changed pts from 3 to 4
346.48(2)(c) 001 IMPROPER USE/BUS WARNING LTS.-NONSCHOOL Changed pts from 3 to 4
346.452 002 OWNERS LIABILITY-ILLEGAL RR CROSSING (2ND+ W/IN 3 YEARS) Added OU to change Crim Flag from Y to N
348.21(3)(a) 003 VEHICLE EXCEED WT (<=1000 LB) PERMIT (2+) Added OU to change Crim Flag from Y to N

F2 Help Modified

Statutes Added:Non-Traffic

  • 100.27(5m) Sell Zinc Air Button Cell Battery

  • 100.27(5m) Submit False Zinc Air Battery Certificate

  • 100.28(2)(a) Violate/Phosphorus Regs-Cleaners

  • 100.28(2)(c) Violate/Phosphorus Regs-H2O Conditioner

  • 100.295(2) False Advertising of Recycled Products

  • 100.30(3) Sales-Illegality of Loss Leaders

  • 100.44(3) Sale of Unlabeled Replacement Parts

  • 100.45(2)(a) Distribute Mobile Air Conditioners

  • 100.45(3)(b) Sell Ozone-Depleting Refrigerant

  • 100.45(3)(c) Sell Ozone-Depleting Refrigerant

  • 100.45(4) Servicing of Mobile Air Conditioners

  • 101.1215(2) Abrasive Cleaning of Historic Building

  • 101.75(3) Bldg Manufr-Alter w/o Dept. Consent

  • 101.75(4) Bldg Manufr-Counterfeit Insignia

  • 101.761(6) Bldg Manufr-Fail/Comply Dept. Rules

  • 101.862(1) Engage in Electrical Wiring Business w/o License

  • 101.862(2) Install/Repair/Maintain Electrical Wiring w/o License

  • 101.862(3) Install/Repair/Maintain Electrical Wiring w/o Master Electri

  • 101.88(1) Electric Construction-Fail/Comply/Rules

  • 102.35(1) Work Comp-Fail/Keep or Falsifying Record

  • 102.35(2) Work Comp-Discriminate/Injured Employee

  • 102.85(2)(a) Work Comp-Falsify Info/Insurance

  • 103.25(3) Street Trade-Fail/Carry Permit(Parent)

  • 103.25(3) StreetTrade-Fail/CarryPermit(Parent)2nd+

  • 103.25(3m)(a) Street Trade-Permit Contents

  • 103.25(3m)(a) Street Trade-Permit Contents (2nd+)

  • 103.25(3m)(a) Street Trade-Permit Contents(Parent)

  • 103.25(3m)(a) Street Trade-Permit Contents(Parent)2nd+

  • 103.25(3m)(b) Street Trade-Fail/Stamped Permit

  • 103.25(3m)(b) Street Trade-Fail/Stamped Permit(2nd+)

  • 103.275(5)(c)1 Street Trade-Fail/AllowInspect.(Parent)

  • 103.275(5)(c)1 Street Trade-Allow Inspect. (Parent)2nd+

  • 103.275(5)(c)2 Street Trade-Fail/Give/Cities List

  • 103.275(5)(c)2 Street Trade-Fail/Give/Cities List(2nd+)

  • 11.0202(1)(a) Campaign Finance - Violation of Campaign Registration Req.

  • 110.05(2) Reqd Inspection-Human Service Vehicle

  • 110.06(3)(a) Buyer Fail/Inform/School Bus Use

  • 114.09(1)(b)2 Operate an Aircraft in Reckless or Careless Manner

  • 114.1 Aeronautics-Kill Bird/Animal

  • 134.71(8)(a) Pawnbroker-Fail/Check Customers ID

  • 134.71(8)(b)1 Pawnbroker-Illegal Transaction w/ Minor

  • 134.71(8)(c)1 Pawnbroker-Fail/Have Customer Sign Form

  • 134.71(8)(c)2 Pawnbroker-Fail/Keep Forms/Records

  • 100.55(3)(a) Deceptive Practices in Soliciting Consumer from Trigger Lead

  • 103.82(3) Parent Violate Employ/Minor Order

  • 103.82(3) Parent Violate Employ/Minor Order(2nd+)

  • 101.1215(4)(b) Abrasive Cleaning/Historic Bldg-Owner

  • 196.745(1)(a) Officer Fail/Operate Safe Gas Facility

  • 199.105(1) Wilful. Interfere w/CitizensUtilityBoard

  • 199.105(1) Interfere w/ Citizens Utility Board

  • 216.03 Unauthorized Investment Assoc. Activity

  • 217.03(1) Check Sellers-Fail/Licensed

  • 220.04(9)(d) Violate Cease and Desist Order

  • 220.06(3)(b) Banking-ReDisclosure/Exam Reports

  • 23.095(2m) Intent.Damage Archae.Feature-Kickapoo

  • 23.095(2m) Damage Resources-Kickapoo Valley

  • 23.095(2m) Damage Resources-Nat.Area/Kick.Valley

Bug Fixes

UFAD form misspelling in Databar Name. "Weapon" spelled as "Wepon".


Driver Condition: Update PO Box address on report

Court Updates

Updated Peshtigo Court website to Pay at: http://GovPayNow.com Location Code: 5059

Agency Contact Data

Mountain Bay Metro PD, 211 Grand Ave, Rothschild, WI 54474 Phone number715-359-3879 is set up

Court Updates

Updated the Augusta-Bridge Creek Joint Municipal court address to include PO Box 475

Agency Contact Data

Added agency, Dane County Zoning Division

Agency Contact Data

Updated the address of Ridgeway Marshal's Office to 208 Jarvis Street Suite B, Ridgeway WI 53582

Court Updates

Updated the Twin Lakes and Randall Municipal Court PO Box from 549 to 1024

Misc Table Updates

Added missing CodeValues to the V2CaseType


Combined analysis report menu for all form summaries into one. Form Summary Analysis Report List

Bug Fixes

NTC: able to change between individual and non individual for editing muni courts and parking tickets after issuance.

Court Updates

New Court: Rothschild Area Municipal Court

Agency Contact Data

Updated the agency name for Balsam Lake Centuria Police Department to Balsam Lake Centuria Police DE

Bug Fixes

Fixed Typo in pop up message: selecting “Expire All Ordinances” option under Tools > Violations > Local Ordinances


Court Appointments: Reworked the process flow so delete appointment list shows up correctly and remove any left over if changing schedules.

Bug Fixes

Schedule Code Does Not Display When Updating Court Schedule

Bug Fixes

Diagram Symbol Palettes Disappearing

Bug Fixes

Warning form: Missing Attachment from add new/replicate list

Bug Fixes

Warning: Fixed violations not adding deleting properly.

Court Updates

Allouez Village Municipal Court Address changed to Allouez Village Municipal Court, 1900 Libal St
Allouez, WI 54301, (920) 448-2800


Switching Known Defects (Bug List) button to https://wi-state-patrol.atlassian.net/wiki/x/R4CBhw

Agency Contact Data

Rio PD phone number changed to 9209923546

Court Updates

New Court, Fox Crossing Village Municipal Court – Juvenile is created. Address: 500 Rocket Way, Neenah, WI 54956 Phone number: 9207207107

Bug Fixes

NTC: Method Served shows the code V while not in edit mode


Crash Form: Remove Convert to Amend function, as it was only used for 2017 and earlier Crash reports.

Bug Fixes

Crash form: Secondary crash Primary agency field other option now limited to 30 characters.

Bug Fixes

Alcohol Form: Remove validation requirement for Citation Number requirement for OWI Warrant Affidavit

Bug Fixes

Fixed Parking Citation: Citation Number not fitting on the printed Report.

Agency Contact Data

Updated Town of East Troy PD address to Town of East Troy Police Dept., N9330 Stewart School Rd/Box 664


Inspection Form: Add Violation Blue bar was added along with correctly adding the fields in the group for Mandated and CMV inspections.


Hold Function: Moved to Reporter Access Level

Court Updates

Set up new court MID MORAINE MUNICIPAL COURT- KEWASKUM FIRE DEPT BLDG, 1106 Fond du Lac Ave, Kewaskum, WI 53040, (262) 334-5700 WWW.MMMCOURT.COM with DMV code 66

Added Set up new court MID MORAINE MUNICIPAL COURT- KEWASKUM FIRE DEPT BLDG, 1106 Fond du Lac Ave, Kewaskum, WI 53040, (262) 334-5700 WWW.MMMCOURT.COM with County DMV 20


ELCI: Voided citations can no longer be archived unless it has been transmitted. “ELCI Form # XXXX can not be Archived as it has not been Transmitted, all ELCI forms require transmitting to EARS per State Statute 114.04. ELCI forms can only be archived in Transmitted Status

F2 Help Modified

Citizen Contact form: Fixed F2 help

  • Individual Country

  • Individual State of Issuance


New Analysis report for Hold Reason Table


New Analysis Report: Forms on Hold[ |https://wi-state-patrol.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=2449080321&draftShareId=770f0c2c-ad47-4505-98fb-c78a07e65510]

  • Open to TraCS Supervisors


Able to rerun updates without going into the file directory or needing assistance from Help Desk Staff.

WIPack240315 – March 2024 Pack

Agency Contact Data

Updated Trempealeau County Circuit Court to TREMPEALEAU CTY SHERIFFS OFC

Agency Contact Data

Updated Door County Sheriff’s Department to The Door COunty Sheriff’s Office

Agency Contact Data

Updated Boyceville PD changed phone number 715-643-2215 to 715-232-1348

Bug Fixes

Hosted Environment: Crash Replicated to Amended Crash retains the RMS Transmission Date from the Original Crash Fixed

Bug Fixes

Custom Search Fields: Corrected misspelling of “Task Description”

Bug Fixes

Issue: When lower case letters were used in the DOT User ID field, the rest of the agency group would not populate. Updated the following…

Bug Fixes

Table Manager | Local Ordinance - Can Add Asterisks in the ordinance numbers field

Bug Fixes

Alcohol Form and Reports: Now ignores case in statute number to prioritize the statutes when entered in uppercase.

Bug Fixes

Parent Group not allowing spaces fixed on the following forms

  • NTC

  • Citizen Contact

Bug Fixes

Document Number Change button now available for Supervisors.

Bug Fixes

Crash form: Fixed Highlighting for Fatal crashes and added rules for printing Fatal Notifications

  1. Number of Individuals Killed Inconsistent

  2. One or more Unit Types are empty

  3. One or more Vehicle Types are empty

Bug Fixes

Citations lost the error message requiring these form types to be issued prior to voiding as they are delete able forms. Only ELCI forms can be voided if not issued as they can never be deleted

  • Warning

  • NTC

  • DNR

Bug Fixes

Crash form replicate to Fatal Supplement fixed missing individual if hit and run unit type

Court Updates

*TREMPEALEAU COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT--* Updated Court Address: 18600 HOBSON ST and Phone number to 7155384509

Court Updates

City of Niagara Municipal Court is was changed from COWS to MUNI

Court Updates

DENMARK MUNICIPAL COURT *Updated Court Address: 100 North Wall Street

Court Updates

*SUN PRAIRIE CITY MUNICIPAL COURT--Added Pay online information to *Pay At: paydirect.link2gov.com/sunprairiepolice

Court Updates

*CLINTON GREATER JOINT MUNICIPAL COURT--*Updated the website to www.clintonwi.us and the Phone number to 608-346-3202

Court Updates

*NORTHEAST COMMUNITY COURT-- *Updated the address to 5387 Mary Lake Road, WAUNAKEE, WI, 53597

Court Updates

FOOTVILLE MUNICIPAL COURT--Updated the routing type from COWS to MUNI

Court Updates

*MARSHALL VILLAGE MUNICIPAL COURT--*Updated the address to 605 Waterloo Rd


Parking Ticket: When printing the final notice if the late fee field is blank and the form preferences are not blank then auto-enter the fee from the form preferences.


Voided forms to RMS: This is for the Hosted Environment, voided TraCS 10 forms can be exported out to the RMS.

  • ELCI

  • NTC

  • DNR

  • Warning

  • Inspection


UFAD: Modify the wording of the "Was the Officer Injured?" to say "Was the Officer injured during the incident (serious or minor)?"


Transmission Updates: Void forms prevented from Transmitting to the state and RMS.


Incident form: Can now transmit overdose data to DHS.


All forms: the Tag Field can be modified by a Reporter for all forms from the TraCS ribbons. Editing the Tags Field


TraCS Location Tool: Fix On Highway field, changing it to a text field and removing all lists associated with it.

Incident Location Tool: Disabled, hasn’t been in use for years and the update ILT server was removed over 4 years ago.


Crash Form: A Standard Crash will disable the Crash Type field making in impossible to change to a smaller crash version. .


Incident Form: Vehicle Group always available.


Narrative changed from Upper Case to Sentence Case for narratives with more than 2000 Characters. (Incident, Supplement)


Crash Form: When the crash becomes a fatal crash, the individual fields required for a fatal notification will all become highlighted in yellow.


Table Manager: When entering ordinances for UTC and DNR forms, fines are now defaulted to 0 and disabled. These 2 citations require a state statute and use the state statute bond amount only.


Parking Ticket: Statutes linked to an ordinance will populate Statute into the form and appear on the citation.


Crash Form: Alcohol/Drug test Rules enabled for PRIVATE PROPERTY/PARKING LOT crashes


Local Ordinances: Button for expiring all local Ordinances at once.

Municipality Updates


  • Update the DNR Municipality Table DMV Code to 4822 for Town of St. Croix Falls in Polk County

Statutes Added:Non-Traffic






Table Updates

*TWIN LAKES AND RANDALL MUNICIPAL COURT-- *Updated address to 105 East Main St, Twin Lakes, WI 53181

Misc Table Updates


  • Several Changes

Misc Table Updates


  • Added - Apparent Minor Injury

Misc Table Updates


  • Add - No Threat

WIPack231201 – Fall 2023 Pack

Agency Contact Data

Updated McFarland PD address to 6001 Broadhead St. McFarland, WI 53558

Bug Fixes

Distribution Wizard: Missing Hold table from Distribution

Bug Fixes

External Search: Last/First Name cutting off at 9 characters when coming in through external search

Bug Fixes

Alcohol Form: Violation Search Statute Description not automatically entered when choosing from Violation Search Box.

Bug Fixes

Incident form: Fixed Setting Transmit to DOJ when form is agency only Report

Bug Fixes

Citations: Prohibit clicking the Accept or Complete button when the form is not validated.

Bug Fixes

Alcohol Form: When validating with a incorrect locations should auto locate to the TLT field and open to fix. Not one of the other fields.

Bug Fixes

Crash Form: Reconstruction By field blank entry back in the list.

Bug Fixes

Pursuit Form: Edit Typo in Navigation Bar, Associated Crashes

Bug Fixes

Influence Office and Redacted reports: fixed 2 fields with cut off labels

Bug Fixes

Alcohol Form: Fixed Typo in MV3530 Field.

Bug Fixes

Batch Services now export RMS instructions.

Bug Fixes

Incident form: Rule fixed, ERROR: Valid Code required for WIBRS submission no longer triggers for agency report only.

Bug Fixes

Incident Form: Office Report remove line appearing in the narrative.

Court Updates


Court Updates

MARQUETTE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT - -Updated Court Address, Removed PO Box, Added RM Number

Court Updates


Court Updates

Updated Butler Village Municipal Court Phone Number to 2624152520

Court Updates

Removed Room numbers from Calumet County Circuit Court Address

Court Updates

LAKESIDE MUNICIPAL COURT - FDL HIGH SCHOOL - Removed Door number from address

Court Updates


Court Updates

Updated Paddock Lake Municipal Court routing type to Municipal routing type


Crash Form: EMS's list will be filtered to remove inactive companies.


NTC Form: Adjusted the field in the Document group so the form number is larger.


Agency Group Update: Adding 2 fields,

  • Officer Phone Number

  • Officer Fax Number

Agency Group


Stop Duplicates - Pad Document Numbers: New button that (Supervisors Only) could use in TraCS that would pad all forms (except ELCI) in the AutoNumber.ini file. We will have instructions available for agencies to use.


Inspection Form: Ambulance Service is now filtered by inspection date for all Services that have closed.


Ambulance Inspection Report: Contains Officer Cell and Fax numbers if added to the user profile.


New Field for UFAD Were charges filed against the subject by a prosecutor?



Alcohol Form: Added signature field to Informing the Accused.


New Grid Header “Statute Description” Used for citations.

  • ELCI

  • NTC

  • DNR

And will add the first Statute description (first Group) for the following forms.

  • Warning

  • Alcohol

  • Arrest

  • Incident


Contact Summary Form: Vehicle Year now works like other forms.


Contact Summary Form Versioned Up. Changed location of common info fields to regular fields as the form does not have the entire common info field.

  • Will need to adjust your reports to accommodate if you use reporting software.


Fatal Supplement: Add Underride/Override fields to the Unit Group. See Documentation for more information.


Inspection Form: Multiple Reinspection's now possible.


NTC -Parking Citation: Can now use multiplication for the Overdue fee. It only multiplies the deposit/bail amount.


Hold Status: Forms can now be put on hold,

  • Hold forms Can: validate, edit and print

  • Cannot be put on Hold

    • Archived

    • Voided Disposition

    • Accepted/Rejected

  • All other situations will be blocked until the Hold is removed.

  • See documentation for more information. Form Hold


NTC-- Parking Ticket: Made Modifications to the Add Overdue Button. See Documentation for more info. Parking Citations

F2 Help Modified

Added F2 Help for Fatal Supplement Unit Underride Override in Crash Form

F2 Help Modified

Pursuit Form: Initiating Agency field

Municipality Updates

  • End-dated Town of Rib Mountain (code 3733) with effective date 7-10-2023

  • Created new Village of Rib Mountain (code 3773) with effective date 7-11-2023

Municipality Updates

Expired Town of Salem 3006 effective 2023-10-12

Municipality Updates

Expired Town of Lisbon effective 2023-02-12

Statutes Modified:Traffic


  • 346.62(2) RECKLESS DRIVING-ENDANGER SAFETY – Updated Muni (add $535 & $50 surcharges) & Circuit Bond Amts ($100 surcharge increase)
    346.62(2) RECKLESS DRIVING-ENDANGER SAFETY-WORK AREA – Updated Muni (add $535 & $50 surcharges) & Circuit Bond Amts ($100 surcharge increase)

  • 346.62(2) RECKLESS DRIVING/ENDANG SAFETY-WORK/ER/RESPONSE BODILY HARM – Updated Muni (add $535 & $50 surcharges) & Circuit Bond Amts ($100 surcharge increase)

  • 346.62(2m) RECKLESS DRIVING-RAILROAD CROSSING – Updated Muni (add $535 & $50 surcharges) & Circuit Bond Amts ($100 surcharge increase)

  • 346.62(2m) RECKLESS DRIVING-RAILROAD CROSSING-WORK AREA – Updated Muni (add $535 & $50 surcharges) & Circuit Bond Amts ($100 surcharge increase)

  • 346.63(1)(a) OPERATING WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE – Updated Muni (add $535 & $50 surcharges) & Circuit Bond Amts ($100 surcharge increase)

  • 346.63(1)(a) OWI (1st) (PAC>=0.15) – Updated Muni & Circuit Bond Amts ($100 surcharge increase)

  • 346.63(1)(am) OPERATE WITH CONTROL SUBSTANCE (1ST) – Updated Muni & Circuit Bond Amts ($100 surcharge increase)

  • 346.63(1)(am) OPER W/CONTROL SUBS (1ST)(PAC>=0.15) – Updated Muni & Circuit Bond Amts ($100 surcharge increase)

  • 346.63(1)(b) OPERATING W/PAC (1ST) – Updated Muni & Circuit Bond Amts ($100 surcharge increase)

  • 346.63(1)(b) OPERATING W/PAC >=0.15 (1ST) – Updated Muni & Circuit Bond Amts ($100 surcharge increase)

  • 346.63(5)(a) OPERATE CMV W PAC >=.04 <.08 (1ST) – Updated Muni & Circuit Bond Amts ($100 surcharge increase)

  • 346.63(5)(a) OPERATE CMV W PAC >=.04 <.08 (PASS. <16) (1ST) – Updated Muni & Circuit Bond Amts ($100 surcharge increase)

Statutes Added:Non-Traffic


    • Added new per Madison PD request


    • Added new per Pleasant Prairie PD request

Statutes Added:DNR


Statutes Modified:DNR


    • Corrected quote mark to straight instead of curly