Worksheet 3: Data Dictionary - Warrant Reporting
Purpose: Create the data dictionary for a form
Form Name: Warrant Reporting
Name | Sort Order | Min Instances | Max Instances | Sub Group Of | Comment |
Document | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Summary | 2 | 1 | 1 | ||
Description | 3 | 0 | 1 | ||
Agency | 6 | 1 | 1 | ||
Attachment | 7 | 1 | 99 |
Field | Name | Group | Copy Existing Form | Data Type | Length | Data Bar | Subscriptions | Code Table Tab Link | Required | Additional Business Rules | Comment | Group # |
documentDateValidated |
| Document | Yes | Date | 10 | DATE | Yes | 1 | ||||
documentDocumentNumber |
| Document | Yes | Text | 10 | Text | Yes | 1 | ||||
documentFormRejectionReason |
| Document | Yes | Text | 255 | Text | 1 | |||||
documentMachineNumber |
| Document | Yes | Text | 50 | Text | Yes | 1 | ||||
documentPoliceNumber |
| Document | Yes | Text | 20 | Text | 1 | |||||
documentTags |
| Document | Yes | Text | 200 | Single List | V2Tag | 1 | ||||
documentTracsPackNumber |
| Document | Yes | Text | 10 | Text | Yes | 1 | ||||
documentTracsPatchNumber |
| Document | Yes | Text | 10 | Text | Yes | 1 | ||||
locationCountyDMV |
| Location | Yes | Text | 2 | Single List | V2CountyDMV | 2 | ||||
locationDirectionFromIntersection |
| Location | Yes | Text | 1 | Single List | V2LocationDirection | 2 | ||||
locationEstimatedDistance |
| Location | Yes | Text | 10 | Distance | 2 | |||||
locationFromAtHighwayDirection |
| Location | Yes | Text | 2 | Single List | V2LocationDirection | 2 | ||||
locationFromAtHighwayName |
| Location | Yes | Text | 3 | Text | 2 | |||||
locationFromAtHighwayType |
| Location | Yes | Text | 3 | Single List | V2LocationHighwayType | 2 | ||||
locationFromAtRoadwayType |
| Location | Yes | Text | 50 | Single List | V2LocationRoadwayType | 2 | ||||
locationFromAtStreetName |
| Location | Yes | Text | 50 | Single List Other | V2LocationStreet | 2 | ||||
locationLatitude |
| Location | Yes | Text | 15 | Latitude Longitude | 2 | |||||
locationLiteralDescription |
| Location | Yes | Text | 50 | Text | 2 | |||||
locationLongitude |
| Location | Yes | Text | 15 | Latitude Longitude | 2 | |||||
locationMunicipalityDMV |
| Location | Yes | Text | 4 | Single List | V2MunicipalityDMV | 2 | ||||
locationMunicipalityType |
| Location | Yes | Text | 50 | Single List | V2LocationMunicipalityType | 2 | ||||
locationOnHighwayDirection |
| Location | Yes | Text | 2 | Single List | V2LocationDirection | 2 | ||||
locationOnHighwayName |
| Location | Yes | Text | 3 | Single List | V2LocationHighway | 2 | ||||
locationOnHighwayType |
| Location | Yes | Text | 3 | Single List | V2LocationHighwayType | 2 | ||||
locationOnRoadwayLinkID |
| Location | Yes | Text | 50 | Text | 2 | |||||
locationOnRoadwayLinkOffset |
| Location | Yes | Text | 50 | Text | 2 | |||||
locationOnRoadwayType |
| Location | Yes | Text | 50 | Single List | V2LocationRoadwayType | 2 | ||||
locationOnStreetName |
| Location | Yes | Text | 50 | Single List | V2LocationStreet | 2 | ||||
locationOverrideFlag |
| Location | Yes | Text | 1 | Single List | V2YesNo | 2 | ||||
locationStructureNumber |
| Location | Yes | Text | 10 | Text | 2 | |||||
locationStructureType |
| Location | Yes | Text | 3 | Single List | V2LocationStructureType | 2 | ||||
locationXCoordinate |
| Location | Yes | Text | 50 | Text | 2 | |||||
locationYCoordinate |
| Location | Yes | Text | 50 | Text | 2 | |||||
agencyAddressMunicipality |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 16 | Text | 6 | |||||
agencyAddressState |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 2 | Text | V2State | 6 | ||||
agencyAddressStreet |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 30 | Text | 6 | |||||
agencyAddressStreet2 |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 30 | Text | 6 | |||||
agencyAddressZipCode |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 9 | Zip Code | 6 | |||||
agencyAgencySpace |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 200 | Text | 6 | |||||
agencyBFUNCAgencyCode |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 4 | Text | 6 | |||||
agencyDNROfficerIdentificationNumber |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 9 | Text | 6 | |||||
agencyJurisdiction |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 40 | Text | 6 | |||||
agencyLawEnforcementType |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 3 | Single List | V2LawEnforcementAgencyType | 6 | ||||
agencyLocalAgencyNumber |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 10 | Text | 6 | |||||
agencyLocationID |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 50 | Numbers | 6 | |||||
agencyNameDepartment |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 30 | Text | 6 | |||||
agencyOfficerBadgeNumber |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 20 | Text | 6 | |||||
agencyOfficerEmail |
| Agency | Yes | Text | 100 | Text | 6 | |||||
agencyOfficerNameFirst | Agency | Yes | Text | 15 | Text | 6 | ||||||
agencyOfficerNameLast | Agency | Yes | Text | 30 | Text | 6 | ||||||
agencyOfficerNameMiddle | Agency | Yes | Text | 15 | Text | 6 | ||||||
agencyOfficerNameSuffix | Agency | Yes | Text | 3 | Single List | V2Suffix | 6 | |||||
agencyOfficerRank | Agency | Yes | Text | 8 | Text | V2Rank | 6 | |||||
agencyORINumber | Agency | Yes | Text | 9 | Text | 6 | ||||||
agencyPhoneNumber | Agency | Yes | Text | 20 | Phone | 6 | ||||||
agencyTASAgencyName | Agency | Yes | Text | 30 | Text | 6 | ||||||
attachmentAgencySpace | Attachment | Yes | Text | 100 | Text | 7 | ||||||
attachmentConfidentialFlag | Attachment | Yes | Text | 1 | Single List | V2YesNoBlank | 7 | |||||
attachmentFile | Attachment | Yes | Attachment | 7 | ||||||||
attachmentFilename | Attachment | Yes | Text | 100 | Text | 7 |
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