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Task 3.7(a): Implement Court Date Selector, Code Table Alternative

Step 2 Black Out Dates (Optional)

Purpose:  Creates a table of known dates that you will not have court. A court blackout date is based on the court and court schedule.

NOTE: Blackout dates are dates that are exceptions to the schedule such as holidays when the court is closed.  Weekends and other dates that are regularly unscheduled are not blackout dates.  Blackout dates are created prior to creating the appointments. If you attempt to create an appointment that falls on a blackout date, it will not be inserted into the schedule at the time the appointments are generated

NOTE: Some agencies have misinterpreted this tables purpose and believe it works on the actual citation itself, it does not. Blackout dates are to prevent the date from entering the appointment table. If an incorrect date as been entered into the appointment table it must be deleted.

Requirements: TraCS Office computer, web client and system admin account, knowledge of your courts’ schedule.

  • Start TraCS. 

  • Sign in with a System Admin Account.

  • Select the Tools tab on the ribbon menu.

  • From the Tools ribbon menu, click the Violation button.

  • If you have entered schedules the form will open.

  • Verify that the correct TraCS Agency Number for your agency appears.   (If you support multiple agencies in the same TraCS database, you will want to login as a system admin for the agency you want to configure.)

  • Enter the requested data. This is a requirement for Adding or Deleting )

    • In the Court field, select the court for which you to add blackout dates.

    • In the Schedule field, select the schedule you want to work with from the list.Add, Modify and delete as needed. 


Add a Blackout Date

  • Click the blue bar labeled Add Blackout Date to open groups.

  • In the Blackout Date field, enter the date on which court must not be scheduled.

  • In the Appointment Time field, enter the time to black out.

    • Note: Typically courts only have one appointment per day, for example, 9:00 AM.

  • In the Recurring field

    • Choose Yes in the Recurring field if the blackout date is to be observed every year. 

    • Choose No in the Recurring field if the blackout date is to be observed only once.

    • Note: Christmas and the Fourth of July are examples of recurring blackout dates.  Thanksgiving is an example of a non-recurring blackout date since it falls on different dates each year..

  • After the first time all groups auto open if data is entered

  • When all additions are entered click Validate to add them to the table

Delete a Blackout Date

  • Click the blue bar labeled Delete Blackout Date to open groups.

  • Choose the Blackout Date to Delete

  • After the first time the group will auto open if data is entered

  • When all deletions are entered click Validate to remove them from the table.

  • No labels


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