\Task 2.4.5(b): Recover Custom Database, SQL Server Alternative
Info |
Note: It is recommended that you contact badgertracs@wi.dot.gov to help you assess your agency’s situation. There may be less drastic options available depending on the extent of the damage. |
In SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Paste the query below to create the tracs_custom database. You should use the copy button in the code snippet below.
Code Block | ||
| ||
USE master GO CREATE DATABASE tracs_custom GO use tracs_custom GO DECLARE @sql1 VARCHAR(1000) SELECT @sql1='ALTER DATABASE '+quotename(db_name())+' SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ON ALTER DATABASE '+quotename(db_name())+' SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE ALTER DATABASE '+quotename(db_name())+' SET read_committed_snapshot ON ALTER DATABASE '+quotename(db_name())+' SET MULTI_USER' exec(@sql1) |
Make sure to give your agencies TraCS SQL user owner rights to the database.
Run the Custom distribution file. (This adds state access levels.)
If you set up Task 6.1: Download Tables Upon Login
On your server you should be able to located the distribution and run it C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Download\Tables\*LocationID*\AgencySupportTable.dist.exml
Remove the Distribution Log. xml file
Navigate to C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Settings
Delete DistributionLog.xml
In the configuration manager, select the update tab.
Click the run distribution button.
Navigate to the C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Download\Tables\*LocationID*\ folder
Select AgencySupportTable.dist.exml
Run the Distribution file found in your mobile distribution.
Remove the Distribution Log. xml file
Navigate to C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Settings
Delete DistributionLog.xml
In the configuration manager, select the update tab.
Place the distribution file onto C:\ProgramData\TraCS\Distribution
Edit the Distribution Deleting all except the following.
Click the run distribution button.
You could also manually create a distribution file from a mobile unit. More directions to come
We need to run the WIPack now to fully configure all databases and run a DBSync too.
From the Master computer
Reset to Zero Pack
Reset the Registry file
Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\TraCS
Edit RegistryKeyName.ini
Delete everything after TraCSPack=
Open TraCS on Master Computer.