Versions Compared


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  • Law enforcement officers, Business Area Experts, Form Sponsors, and Badger TraCS staff. 

  • Law enforcement officers on the committee are routine users of TraCS and complete the crash, citation and other enforcement forms. 

  • Officers come from geographically diverse locations across the state. 

  • Small, medium, and large agencies are represented. 

  • Local, county, and state agencies are represented. 

  • Each law enforcement member is limited to a two-year term.  Members may re-apply for additional terms, but priority will be given to agencies that have not served before. 

  • Wisconsin State Patrol, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, at least one tribal community, one Non Traditional Special Jurisdiction Police Department(i.e. Railroad, State Fair Park, VA, Capital Police) and at least one official first class city will have permanent representation on this committee; however, the individual members may rotate. 

  • (Law Enforcement Officer/Member are required to be sworn officers, only Business Area Experts, Form Sponsors and Badger TraCS staff can be non-sworn staff)



  • Badger TraCS program manager