CRASHDB-1127: Restricted Crash Reports - Develop Feature to Set Manually.
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 27e84956-8aca-34a6-b686-31eab275489e key CRASHDB-1127
In Progress:
CRASHDB-1113: Resolve System Stability Enhancements.
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 27e84956-8aca-34a6-b686-31eab275489e key CRASHDB-1113
In Queue:
FMCSA Enhancements, 2022 2021 RP Finalization (need Jira case)
BITS redevelopment of NIC crash reports payment mechanism
1/24 Working Group Meeting (4th Tuesday)
Finalized Data Dictionary (attached):
Roadway functional classification
Roadway ownership
Retired Elements
Deferred Elements
Next steps:
Define data mappings to WISLR / STN
May need to be a formal project
WisTransPortal / Community Maps
Ken Matthews
Reference Point Coding
Asadur Rahman (Ben Rouleau as backup)
Jacob, 700; Erickson 400 1 week
7600 since last meeting
5000 left, end of February
2nd LTE coder
Crash Data Analysis and Reporting
Valerie Payne and Rebecca Szymkowski
need to replace Bob, in best fit for replacement
crash facts, 2017 to 2021
Scheduled Topics and Briefing documents
Current membership (According to Cayosoft). I’ll cancel the meetings and redo to get the invite in sync with this list. Please feel free to add otherers to this list.
Valerie Payne
Soujanya Jarabana
Jennifer Fedie
Rosalba Martinez
Mike Schwendau
Andi Bill
Carolyn Hunt
Asadur Rahman
Ken Matthews
Ben Rouleau
David Esse
Kenia Valenzuela
Adam Feidt
Dan Brugman
Steven parker
Rebessa Szymkowski
David Harvey
John Tyson
Dennis Miller
Kelly Schieldt
David PabstWilliam McNary