Task 3.25: Schedule Data Transmissions
Purpose: Schedules state data transmissions to run automatically on a computer at periodic intervals so that office administrative personnel do not have to manually transmit citations.
Special Note: With the new baseline moving everything to Web Services, we have removed the instructions on automating End Shifting and Start shifting forms.
Click Import/Export button
Click the Scheduling button
Select the Batch User account you setup and enter password.
Select Export Types.
Click the Add button
Click the Action radio button
Type = Export
In Action Name, select TransExport from the drop-down list
Click the OK button
Click the OK button again
Click the Apply button
Click the OK button
Click the Import/Export button
Click the Scheduling button
Expand the Export Types item and select TransExport.
Select your Search Criteria from the drop-down list.
Click the Add button.
Enter a name for the interval that describes how you want the import to run. (For example, Daily)
Click the OK button.
Click Scheduling button
Expand Export Types
Expand newly created Export Type.
Choose an interval type from the drop-down list.
We recommend ‘Hour’
Here is an example of our recommended settings, your agency can adjust to your preferences.
Note: Scheduling of tasks should be spaced out. You do not want tasks overlapping each other during the day. This will be important in the TransComm section below.
Info |
Schedule data transmission to court/DA, state, and local Records Management System.
CLick Communications button
Click the Scheduling button
Select the batch user name and enter password you setup in the TraCS database.
Click the Add button
Click the Action radio button
In Action Name, select TransComm from the drop-down list
Click the OK button
Select TransComm
Click the Add button
Enter a name for the interval that describes how you want the transmission to run. (For example, Daily)
Click the OK button
Select the newly created interval
Choose an interval type from the drop-down list
Note: Scheduling of tasks should be spaced out. You do not want tasks overlapping each other during the day.
Click the OK button
Click Apply and OK again