Requirements: Master computer; Active Directory administrative tools.
Info |
NOTE: you may have to create custom active directory attributions. This link can help http://www.showmehowtodoit.com/2012/create-custom-active-directory-attributes-for-user-properties/ provides illustrated step-by-step instructions for adding user attributes using the Active Directory Snap-In for MMC. |
In Active Directory, edit the user attributes for each user that will be authorized for TraCS.
The sAMAccountName attribute is used as the User ID field in TraCS. You may use any identifier you want, but it should be unique within TraCS. User IDs should never be re-used; therefore badge numbers are typically not a good choice for user IDs.
The TraCSSecondaryUserID attribute, which is used as the DOT Officer ID field for the citation forms, may be anything you choose up to 5 characters. It is part of the citation data that is sent to the courts. Badge number is acceptable here.
The SN attribute is used for the user’s last name.
The givenName attribute is used for the user’s first name.
The middleName attribute is used for the user’s middle name.
The TraCSNameSuffix attribute is used for the user’s name suffix.
The TraCSUserDefDNROfficerIdentification attribute is used for the DNR officer ID if your agency is the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Otherwise, it should be skipped.
The TraCSUserDefBadgeNumber attribute is used for the user’s Badge Number.
The TraCSUserDefRank attribute is used for the user’s rank. Enter the code value for rank as per table. Appendix J -- Rank Table
The TraCSUserDefGroupID attribute is used for the user’s precinct, sector, or district number if required by your agency.
The Title attribute does not appear on any TraCS forms.
The TraCSLocationID attribute contains the three-digit TraCS agency number.
The TraCSUserDefaultsID attribute may be left blank and will default to the User ID automatically.
The TraCSLocationDefaultsID attribute is used to manage the agency level field default values. Enter Agency followed by your agency’s TAS number, for example, Agency012. Your agency’s TAS number is found on your welcome letter.
The TraCSEnterpriseDefaultsID attribute is used to manage the state level field default values. Enter Enterprise.
The mail attribute is used to e-mail TraCS notification. Enter the user’s e-mail address if available.
The TraCSEncryptionKeyLabel attribute may be left blank. It will populate from TraCS user template.
Add users to the appropriate AD groups depending on their duties, using the chart. See notes below chart for explanation of optional items.