How to fill out an NTC with an address

TraCS FAQ’s: How to fill out an NTC with an address

To solve this issue officers need to know how to fill out a NTC citation that contains an address not a cross street location “citations issued by your inspectors that are issued without inclusion of the address where the violation exists”

  1. Open a new NTC citation

  2. Fill out the form like normal until you get to the location of the incident.

  3. Open Location Tool

    1. Uncheck Snap To Roadway

    2. Click in the location of the address

    3. Click Locate

    4. Choose Public/Private Property

    5. Choose the correct street (click show more options if the street name is missing)

    6. Click OK

    7. Choose House # in the Structure Type Field

    8. Put the house number in the structure Number Field

    9. The result will be (NOTE Public/Private Property signals a street address on the printed citation)

    10. Finish filling out the rest of the form

    11. NOTE: if you need extra info put it in the Agency Space and it will appear on all copies of the citation (there are 200 characters available).

    12. Validate and Issue.

Example of a Housing Code Violation

Defendant Copy


Court Copy


Officer Copy