What is Needed to Prepare for New TraCS Baseline

What is Needed to Prepare for New TraCS Baseline

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This page expands on the New TraCS Baseline requirements slated for late 2024 in the email.

The new TraCS Baseline will affect ALL agencies in TraCS and all Office machine installs will be transitioned to mobiles except the server machine.  

Windows Server 2019 or Newer

Your TraCS master computer will need to be running as a Windows Server 2019 or newer. Please reach out to your Agency’s IT to see that this gets taken care of.

SQL Server version 2016 or above

Your agency must use Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Server Express to hold and maintain your TraCS databases.

If your agency already uses SQL for your TraCS databases, then please have your IT check what SQL version your agency is on for TraCS. If it is below 2016 then you must upgrade to a version that follows the Version Guidelines below.

If your agency is an Access database agency and you do not want to move to the TraCS Hosted Environment, then you must migrate your TraCS databases to a SQL server that follows the version guidelines below. During the 2022 user conference we provided a presentation on how to switch from Access to SQL. Please see this video below. You can click on where it says Full screen view and it will bring you to the full screen video, otherwise you can click the link and it will take you to the YouTube page.

SQL Version Guidelines: The TraCS helpdesk cannot upgrade your SQL server for you, but we are willing to work with your IT department to make sure TraCS is working with your updated server.

  • Cannot be below 2016

  • Better if above 2017

  • Best if at or above 2019


IIS Server Running Web Services With File Share

The current method of endshifting TraCS forms into the office will only be supported on the IIS server, however we do not suggest this option. This means that all agencies that are not in the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment will need to operate their own IIS server, turning your TraCS workflow into a web services environment. This switch will bring many convenient features to your agency including, but not limited to: no longer needing to endshift/startshift, access to closed forms on any machine at your agency, being ready for when TraCS for Web is released, and more. This will allow you to have all the features of the hosted environment on your own.

During the 2022 user conference we provided a presentation on how to setup an IIS server for TraCS Web Services. Please see this video below. You can click on where it says Full screen view and it will bring you to the full screen video, otherwise you can click the link and it will take you to the YouTube page.

Your IIS server should preferably be on a separate server than your SQL server unless you are a very small agency.

Batch Transmission Server

You will only be able to Endshift and Transmit from your IIS server (not recommended). Instead what we recommend is you setup a batch transmission server. Below is an separate page that allows you to scroll through the batch server instructions.

We recommend doing this task last. We expect the documentation to change, so make sure you save the link so you can get the most up to date documentation.

Here is a video walkthrough of some of the steps on getting Batch working:

TraCS Machines Must be 64-bit

All machines that are running TraCS must be a 64-bit Windows install. This includes agencies in the Hosted Environment. Please work with your IT department to make sure any 32-bit machines are replaced with 64-bit installs of Windows. A quick and easy way to see if your machine is 64-bit is by going to your C:\ Drive on your computer. If you see the Program Files (x86) folder then your computer is a 64-bit install.

The link below is an FAQ from Microsoft that outlines how to check whether your computer is running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows, and whether your computer can upgrade from 32-bit to 64-bit or whether replacement hardware would be necessary:



Need .NET 4.8 Framework

This is part of a windows update that is required on all machines including Hosted Environment agencies. Unless your IT has disabled windows updates or portions of a windows update, your computers should have this already. Please make sure your IT is aware of this requirement.

What If My Agency Does Not Want to Upgrade to the First Four Requirements?

If your agency and IT decide that you do not want to upgrade to the following (Windows Server 2019, SQL 2016 and above, IIS Server, Batch Server), you are able to move to the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment instead. Currently we have the Hosted Environment open to all agencies that do not want to complete all of tasks above.

If your agency generates reports by directly accessing the SQL databases, you will not be able to do this in the hosted environment. You would need to use the AdHoc Query feature in TraCS instead.

Your machines will still need to be 64-bit TraCS Machines Must be 64-bit.

Here is a link to the instructions on how to get started with this: https://wi-state-patrol.atlassian.net/l/cp/N07ahX8i