This Home Page is in active development

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Responsibilities of Business Area Experts:

It’s best to update your tables often and not wait:

  • Tables Changes can take up to 3 months to be released

  • Agencies are required to update for changes to be applied

  1. Form owners update their tables which include, but are not limited to, adding statutes.

  2. Form owners test their TraCS form(s) before the new update is released as production.

  3. Form owners provide recommendations to F2 Help verbiage of their TraCS form including:

    1. Writing new F2 Help files

    2. Updating current F2 Help files

    3. Document changes/additions

    4. Testing updated/new files

  4. Attend the Forms Advisory Committee to provide insight and vote.

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Coming Soon!

TraCS is building a portal page for:

  1. BAEs to submit questions

  2. Submit recommendations for changes and improvements

For now you can email and we will forward along your process changes for review by our developers/help desk staff.

We welcome all feedback to improve workflow.