Overview of WiSTAR:

What is WiSTAR? WiSTAR is a pilot project that is transmitting data from TraCS to the UW TOPS Lab as part of the BOTS-funded Wisconsin Safety and Transportation Analysis Resource (WiSTAR) project. Data collected from the pilot law enforcement agencies can be viewed through an interactive map, sorted, overlayed on crash location data and filtered by credentialed users within the test Community Maps site. Participation in the WiSTAR Pilot Project in voluntary and being coordinated by members of the pilot project team.

Configuring WiSTAR Transmissions: 

Non-Hosted Agencies:

  1. Connect to office computer

  2. Check the WIPack version on the computer

    1. If the agency hasn’t updated to the 2024 Fall Pack, transfer the following two files to the machine located at Y:\WiSTAR

      • Communications.set.tpl.exml

      • ImportExport.set.tpl.exml

    2. Paste the two files into the TraCS Settings folder of agency network share.

    3. NOTE: Select YES when prompted to overwrite the files

  3. Launch TraCS Configuration Manager and login with a System Administrator account

  4. Click on the Transmission Tab

  5. Click on Import\Export

  6. Click on Export Instructions

  7. Click on Export to RMS

  8. Click on the instruction

  9. Click on the Import button

  10. Select “No, let me choose”

  11. In the list of options, select the following:

  12. Expand each instruction and select Share to WiSTAR

  13. For each instruction, click on the Active button to make the instruction active

  14. Click OK

  15. Click OK

  16. Click on Communications

  17. Click on Transcom

  18. Click on the import button

  19. Click on ShareToWistar which has been preconfigured

  20. Expand the instruction and click on the Communication Options

  21. Click on Verify.

    1. NOTE: you should receive an error message.

  22. Click on Apply

  23. Click on OK

  24. Click on OK

  25. Close TraCS Configuration Manager

  26. Restart batch services if they are batch and don’t have task setup.

  27. Update Agency Specifics database for WiSTAR

    1. If adding to WiSTAR, change the value to YES

Hosted Environment Agencies: 

Please submit a ticket request with the following information:

Send Email to: badgertracs@dot.wi.gov

Cc: rpw@wiessinger.com

Subject line: Activate WiSTAR for our agency

Description/Body of email: The *agency name* Police Department would like to join the WiSTAR pilot program.

Agency Contact Information: Please enter the firstname, lastname and email address of the agency contact(s)

The Badger TraCS team will configure the agency for the transmission behind the scenes and notify the agency once the configuration has been completed. No other action will be required, and the agency shouldn’t see anything different operational in TraCS.