Agenda Items | Notes, decisions and action items | Solutions/Links |
Welcome | Thank you outgoing members Boyceville Police Department - Greg Lamkin Door County Sheriff’s Office - Brad Shortreed Vernon County Sheriff's Office - William Zirk
| David Malisch will be contacting each member to share certificates for serving on the committee |
Update | | Party to Vio field added to Fall Pack |
Planning Document | - Emergency Detention on track for Fall 2025
- DRE on track for Fall 2026
| Planning Document – Only accessible to TraCS staff DRE form needs to be “Wisconsinized” POLD - Fall 2025 MUCC6 - Fall 2025 Misdemeanor - on hold Looking for possibilities for 2026 as backups Jail Intake form would be great, but the details could be different depending on the location; need input from Sheriff’s and jails? Mary from DOJ: If DOC brought online, would help with UFAD data collection for DOJ Data Sharing: FBI NDeX TOPS Lab WiStar (adjust data from forms to layer on maps); pilot currently ongoing Incident Form sending data to DHS, first quarter of 2025 eCitation - going through upgrade; finalizing in March/early summer. Forms are flowing to it and are tweaking the mapping Parking Tickets: suspensions to TraCS - working with vendor Incident form transmission - having issues with vendor to adjust permissions
Other projects: database upgrade - update tables to V3 change gender fields - add option of X for other; working with DMV Download violation tables from CCAP Changing Case Builder fields Address Fields size changes; some addresses do not fit and would like bigger fields Adding 4000 NTC statutes; working with state patrol members to get added TLT adding layers
Form Design – update POLD Emergency Detention Warrant Reporting
| | POLD form: Place of Last Drink list is still in progress If location is not in list, select Other Goal is to have enough information in table so the TLT can pull the location Just lists statute or ordinance number (no descriptions will be listed) Review spelling throughout the form. If replicating the form, the location will be contact location not the place of last drink Action: Remove shortcuts on right side of the form.
Emergency Detention: Date and Time in location at top Action: clarify Date of Detention Action: clarify Time of Detention Action: Move to Summary section
Greyed out field (defendant type) is the individual; prevents listing a company Summary: most information added here email address added so court can be emailed Behavior when, where and description: these are text fields Detention facilities: in progress
Signature: officer signature Narrative: if exceeds filed, can be added on separate page
Warrant Form: Ashley: how many people were involved in death or in the great bodily harm per warrant? ie. if #death =3 and whose death = suspect, law enforcement and resident, what the numbers? 1 of each, 2 officers and 1 suspect, etc. Statute reads number of warrants however the number of people is the information they are looking for. Is it possible to add another question or add fields that open based on the number that is entered (ie. if 3 entered, 3 fields open that allow for entering the details of counts of suspects, officers, etc how many people had something happen type of person it was does DOJ need the type/want of person and type of injury for knock? Is this information also required for no knock? Action: rename individual section to Suspect? If individual listed on warrant and is present, must be listed. Action: need more input from DOJ on what is needed. Information needed by end of January so that form can be added to Fall 2025 pack
Action: Find agency to request ‘Zero’ report button for UFAD, Pursuit, Warrant Reporting (for FAC approval) |
Referrals | - ITID - 1995 (“Request Access” Button When Form is Locked)
- No
- Can unlock from machine.
- other ways to contact.
- ITID - 2002 (Audit Log Analysis Report for when User Logs in)
- ITIS - 2018 (Arrest: Update Probable Cause Affidavit to 2024 version)
|  |
Other Topics | | Categories: 22 categories 2600 different violations in the spreadsheet Names haven’t aged well, and some items may be in incorrect category Now that there are overlays in community maps, pick the category however when you look at the violations and the categories, realized that some of the metrics may not be accurately displayed Proposing updating the category with updated violation information Contact BOTS for input on categories? In the past, changed the categories for NTC which required version update for form; seamless activity that transitioned well Action: review the spreadsheet again to confirm the proposed categories and associated violations. review OWI/reckless driving to possibly split out? review fleeing/alluding to split out?
Adding another ‘non-standard’ position to FAC: ie. Capitol Police, Forestry, VA, Lottery Commission How should they be categorized? If a non-standard member joins and after their two-year position and there isn’t a replacement, can they stay on for another term? Refer as ‘non-traditional’ instead of non-standard Action: gather information
Other: Create an “EASY” button that would fill in the ‘zero' report information for the UFAD form for the previous report (similar to the order citation button) to make it easy for agencies to complete UFAD, Pursuit, Incident, Warrant reports WiStar Pilot: If your agency would like to participate, please reach out to be added to pilot
Add: Joseph Carlson to the FAC email list |
Adjourn | | Adjourned at 11:47 |