NOTE: These instructions are not for the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment. |
Step 2 requires database admin experience to complete. Work with your SQL database admin to complete these instructions. We recommend scheduling an appointment with the help desk if your database admin needs assistance completing these instructions. Use this link to schedule an appointment: 2023 Fall Pack Update Assistance Appointment |
The Fall 2023 Update adds significant new functionality to TraCS. As a result, some additional follow-up steps are required to fully install the update. * If the WIPack has a date of 230803 or before, these instructions must be run.
The special one-time instructions below replace the standard update instructions found in Task 5.2: Install WI Pack Updates of the Badger TraCS Maintenance Guide. Once these special instructions have been performed you may go back to using the standard procedures found in Task 5.2: Install WI Pack Updates of the Badger TraCS Maintenance Guide for future WI Pack updates.
NOTE: The Additional Instructions for Fall 2020 and 2021 must be completed before completing the instructions found in this document. If you have not completed the Additional Instructions for 2020 or 2021 or if you are unsure whether you have or not, please contact Badger TraCS for assistance. Failing to ensure this being completed will cause further issues. |
Read through the entire task before beginning. All steps must be done in order. After the Master Computer has updated, all remaining TraCS computers need to be updated together as there could be issues with Agency Tables being out of sync.
The following Guides have been updated and are available for download.
The Installation Guide contains significant updates. We are in the process of moving all Installation Guide Tasks to the Maintenance Guide so this guide will become obsolete. We are doing this because all agencies in the State use TraCS so it would only be needed for new agencies not using the Hosted Environment.
The Maintenance Guide has been updated. It places all the tasks that you might do on an ongoing basis in one convenient location. We recommend that you download a copy.
The User Guide has been updated. It places all the tasks that you might do on an ongoing basis in one convenient location. We recommend that you download a copy.
The Office Guide has been updated. It places all the tasks that you might do as an office administrator. We recommend you download a copy.
Additional documentation and software are available as well.
The “As-Built” documentation template that you can use to document key configuration settings in TraCS. It is available here:
Ensure that all TraCS Office users are logged out. (Field units, or squad cars, running the mobile version may continue to operate during the upgrade.)
Web Services Only: If your agency uses TraCS in Web Services mode you must email TraCS to enable update and, follow step 1 of Task 5.2(c): Install WI Pack Updates, Web Services Alternative of the Maintenance Guide and then continue as below.
Install new update on the master computer.
Start TraCS and click OK when you receive this dialog box.
Log into TraCS with your System Admin account.
You will receive notifications in your Windows task bar that files are downloading.
When you receive the notification that the download is complete, close the TraCS application.
Restart TraCS by right clicking and choosing the ‘Run as Administrator’ option. Failing to run TraCS as Administrator could result in errors.
Log into TraCS with your System Admin account.
Click Yes to start the update.
The update will now begin to run.
Special Note: If you get either of the first two error messages, screenshots below; simply press the ‘OK’ button and let the update continue to run. These errors have been identified and we are working at getting it corrected. This does not affect the installation and update. |
The below error shows an message where you should email |
i. TraCS will automatically restart.
j. Log into TraCS and Choose No to prevent additional computers from receiving the update.
i. We will allow the other clients to update once the additional instructions are completed.
SQL Server Agencies Only (Agencies using Access Databases can skip down to step #3): Database scripts are required for this update to add new tables and columns to your TraCS database. The Delta scripts are set on auto-run but, you should complete the steps below to verify the update ran completely. The error below is a definite sign that you need to check for delta scripts (see below)
Start SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and connect to your TraCS databases with admin credentials.
This step will Create additional fields in the tracs_data database needed for the new fields in the Alcohol, UFAD and Fatal Supplement forms along with the Agency Group found in every form by running the most recent Delta.sql script.
The script will be in the TraCS network folder under the DBData\SQLScripts folder.
The name of the script takes the form of Delta.sql.
Ignore IndexDelta.sql files
You will be working with the most recent Delta.sql script present.
Open the most recent Delta.sql script in notepad
The goal is to run all the commented lines in the Delta.sql script
Delete all uncommented lines of code
Use the find and replace function to remove comment symbols from each commented line.
Save the file.
Run Delta.sql script in SQL Server Management Studio against the TraCS data database only
Go to TraCS Configuration Manager | Utilities Tab | Click DBSync
After this has finished, check the DBData\SQLScripts folder for a new Delta.sql script.
Repeat starting from 2(b)(ii) until there are only IndexDelta.sql scripts generated.
OPTIONAL: Only Required if exporting Contact Summary form to RMS: If you export Contact Summary data to your Records Management System (RMS), you are required to configure the export rules for new forms to match the requirements of your RMS. Refer to Task 3.14(a): Configure RMS Transmission Settings, Standard Alternative in the Badger TraCS Maintenance Guide and your RMS Documentation for more information on configuring RMS export instructions.
The Contact Summary form has been updated to version 2.
Put the similar forms together by using the up/down arrows (e.g. incident.frm.exml next to incidentV2.frm.exml)
If form is Active, ensure the new version of the form is Active as well (match the settings from the old version of the form).
Verify the report type using the Reports button (shown below), ensuring the file type, file name extension, and all other settings are the same (needed for ImageToRMS settings.)
NOTE: the Contact Summary form only exports in TraCS 10 Format
OPTIONAL FOR WEB SERVICES – For all others ***DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP*** Create new distribution file. ***DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP*** Note this distribution is to export new user files.
If you do not complete this step your field units will continue to receive the following error message.
Start the Configuration Manager if it is not already running.
Export user files so that they may be distributed to field units. IF WEB SERVICES DO NOT DO THIS STEP (if you have contact to remove the files from the distribution and folder)
Click the Users tab and then click the User Editor button.
Clear the Inactive User field.
Click the Search button.
Select user accounts to export.
If you use TraCS to manage your users, click the Select All button to select all users.
If you use Active Directory to manage your users, only select the #AD_AU_USER# and #AD_TEMPLATE_USER# users. IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT SELECT ALL USERS
Click the User Files button.
The file path will be preselected to your TraCS user folder.
Click OK.
Wait for confirmation that the user files have been created.
Start TraCS
Sign in with a System Administrator account.
Click the Configuration and Distribution button in the Tools ribbon menu.
Click Create Distribution.
Enter your agency’s 3-digit Location ID number and click OK. (NOTE: Some agencies have a different name for their distribution configuration form; use whatever is appropriate for your agency).
Press the Edit button, notice the Version Number field automatically updates.
REQUIRED: Ensure the Distribution Type field has both Mobile and Office. (NOTE: You do not have to complete both office and mobile distributions on one form).
Ensure the Automatic Download field has both Mobile and Office if distributions are downloaded automatically. (If your Agency is using a USB (thumb drive) to end shift, you can ignore this step.)
Press the validate button. If the form validates without error, you will receive a message requesting to create the distribution files. Click Ok
Click OK
Click Yes to generate the distribution files and place them in the distribution folders for deployment.
Click OK when the deployment message appears.
Start TraCS on your master computer. Click Yes to allow other computers to begin receiving the update.
NOTE: Field units will receive a warning that their installation is incomplete until they run the new distribution. If this message persists after running the new distribution, it means that user files were not exported correctly when the distribution was made. The user files contain the new access level for the 2023 crash form and this error message must be cleared up before they can use the new form. Contact for assistance if you are having difficulties getting this error message to go away. |
Alternative Install Instructions for Fields Units
a. If you have computers that do not have access to the internet there are alternative instructions in the following task starting at step 3. Task 5.2(a): Install WI Pack Updates, Standard Alternative
NOTE: We strongly encourage you to use the TraCS Update server on your TraCS Mobile computer if possible since it is automatic and much faster and easier than the manual download method. The update files are smaller and take less time to install compared to the full WIPack. |
FUTURE REQUIREMENTS: SQL Server Agencies: TraCS supports version 2016 and above. If your SQL server is a version lower you need to upgrade the server to a newer version. This will not install properly with lower versions. The TraCS vendor recommends SQL version 2019 and above for the next baseline version. |