Purpose: Create the data dictionary for a form
Form Name: POLD
Name | Sort Order | Min Instances | Max Instances | Sub Group Of | Comment |
Document | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Summary | 2 | 1 | 1 | ||
LocationPOLD | 3 | 1 | 1 | Summary | |
Violation | 4 | 0 | 99 | ||
Location | 5 | 1 | 1 | ||
Description | 6 | 1 | 1 | ||
Agency | 7 | 1 | 99 |
Field | Name | Group | Copy Existing Form | Data Type | Length | Data Bar | Subscriptions | Code Table Tab Link | Required | Additional Business Rules | Comment | Group # |
documentFormRejectionReason |
| Document | Memo | 1000 | NARRATIVE | |||||||
documentDocumentNumber | Document Number | Document | Text | 15 | TEXT | |||||||
documentWisconsinFormVersion | Wisconsin Form Version | Document | Text | 6 | TEXT | |||||||
documentWisconsinFormRevisionDate | documentWisconsinFormRevisionDate | Document | Text | 4 | TEXT | |||||||
documentTracsPackNumber | TraCS Baseline Number | Document | Text | 10 | TEXT | |||||||
documentTracsPatchNumber | TraCS Pack Number | Document | Text | 10 | TEXT | |||||||
documentTracsMapNumber | Map | Document | Text | 10 | TEXT | |||||||
documentMachineNumber | Machine Number | Document | Text | 50 | TEXT | |||||||
documentStateTransmissionReceipt | State Transmission Receipt | Document | Text | 100 | TEXT | |||||||
documentPoliceNumber | Police Number | Document | Text | 20 | TEXT | |||||||
summaryDateOccurred | Date Occurred | Summary | DateTime | 10 | DATE | |||||||
summaryTimeOccurred | Time Occurred | Summary | DateTime | 10 | MILITARY TIME | |||||||
summaryPlaceOfLastDrinkOther | Place Of Last Drink Other | Summary | Text | 100 | TEXT | |||||||
LocationPOLD | Summary | Text | 0 | |||||||||
summaryWhatHaveYouBeenDrinking | What Have You Been Drinking? | Summary | Text | 2 | TEXT | |||||||
summaryAndHowMuch | And How Much? | Summary | Text | 2 | TEXT | |||||||
summaryNatureOfContact | Nature Of Contact | Summary | Memo | 2000 | NARRATIVE | |||||||
locationLiteralDescription | Map | LocationPOLD | Text | 50 | LINKED LOCATE | Location | ||||||
locationOnHighwayName | On Highway Number | LocationPOLD | Text | 3 | TEXT | Location | ||||||
locationXCoordinate | X Coordinate | LocationPOLD | Text | 50 | TEXT | Location | ||||||
locationYCoordinate | Y Coordinate | LocationPOLD | Text | 50 | TEXT | Location | ||||||
locationOnRoadwayLinkID | On Roadway Link ID | LocationPOLD | Text | 9 | NUMBERS | Location | ||||||
locationOnRoadwayLinkOffset | WISLR Code | LocationPOLD | Text | 5 | NUMBERS | Location | ||||||
violationStatuteNumber | Statute Number/Wisconsin Administrative Code | Violation | Text | 25 | VIOLATION | |||||||
locationLiteralDescription | Map | Location | Text | 50 | LINKED LOCATE | Location | ||||||
locationOnHighwayName | On Highway Number | Location | Text | 3 | TEXT | Location | ||||||
locationXCoordinate | X Coordinate | Location | Text | 50 | TEXT | Location | ||||||
locationYCoordinate | Y Coordinate | Location | Text | 50 | TEXT | Location | ||||||
locationOnRoadwayLinkID | On Roadway Link ID | Location | Text | 9 | NUMBERS | Location | ||||||
locationOnRoadwayLinkOffset | WISLR Code | Location | Text | 5 | NUMBERS | Location | ||||||
descriptionNarrative | Narrative | Description | Text | 0 | NARRATIVE | |||||||
agencyAgencySpace | Agency Space | Agency | Text | 200 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyOfficerNameLast | Officer Last Name | Agency | Text | 30 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyOfficerNameFirst | Officer First Name | Agency | Text | 15 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyOfficerNameMiddle | Officer Middle Name | Agency | Text | 15 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyOfficerNameSuffix | Officer Suffix | Agency | Text | 3 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyDOTOfficerIdentificationNumber | DOT Officer ID | Agency | Text | 5 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyDNROfficerIdentificationNumber | DNR Officer ID | Agency | Text | 9 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyOfficerBadgeNumber | Officer Badge Number | Agency | Text | 20 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyOfficerRMSID | Officer RMS ID | Agency | Text | 20 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyOfficerEmail | Officer Email | Agency | Text | 100 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyOfficerPhoneNumber | Agency | Text | 20 | PHONE | ||||||||
agencyOfficerFaxNumber | Agency | Text | 20 | PHONE | ||||||||
agencyLocalAgencyNumber | Local Agency Number | Agency | Text | 10 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyJurisdiction | Law Enforcement Agency Jurisdiction | Agency | Text | 40 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyNameDepartment | Law Enforcement Agency Name | Agency | Text | 30 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyTASAgencyName | TAS Agency Name | Agency | Text | 30 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyAddressStreet | Law Enforcement Agency Street Address | Agency | Text | 30 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyAddressStreet2 | Law Enforcement Agency Street Address 2 | Agency | Text | 30 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyAddressMunicipality | Law Enforcement Agency City | Agency | Text | 16 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyAddressZipCode | Law Enforcement Agency Zip Code | Agency | Text | 9 | ZIP CODE | |||||||
agencyPhoneNumber | Law Enforcment Agency Phone Number | Agency | Text | 20 | PHONE | |||||||
agencyORINumber | ORI Number | Agency | Text | 9 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyBFUNCAgencyCode | BFUNC Agency | Agency | Text | 4 | TEXT | |||||||
agencyLocationID | TraCS Agency Number | Agency | Text | 4 | NUMBERS | |||||||
documentTags | Document Tags | Document | Text | 300 | MULTI LIST | V2Tag | ||||||
locationOnStreetName | On Street Name | LocationPOLD | Text | 30 | SINGLE LIST OTHER | Location | V2LocationOnStreet | |||||
locationFromAtStreetName | From/At Street Name | LocationPOLD | Text | 30 | SINGLE LIST OTHER | Location | V2LocationOnStreet | |||||
violationLocalOrdinanceNumber | Ordinance Number | Violation | Text | 21 | VIOLATION | V3ViolationOrdinance | ||||||
locationOnStreetName | On Street Name | Location | Text | 30 | SINGLE LIST OTHER | Location | V2LocationOnStreet | |||||
locationFromAtStreetName | From/At Street Name | Location | Text | 30 | SINGLE LIST OTHER | Location | V2LocationOnStreet | |||||
summaryPlaceOfLastDrinkCategory | Place Of Last Drink Type | Summary | Text | 2 | SINGLE LIST | V2PlaceOfLastDrinkType | ||||||
summaryplaceoflastdrink | Place Of Last Drink | Summary | Text | 100 | VIOLATION | V2PlaceOfLastDrink | ||||||
summaryHaveYouBeenDrinking | Have You Been Drinking? | Summary | Text | 1 | SINGLE LIST | V2YesNoUnknown | ||||||
summaryBAC | BAC Breath | Summary | Text | 2 | SINGLE LIST | V2BAC | ||||||
summaryPBT | PBT Level | Summary | Text | 2 | SINGLE LIST | V2BAC | ||||||
locationCountyDMV | County | LocationPOLD | Text | 2 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2CountyDMV | |||||
locationMunicipalityDMV | Municipality | LocationPOLD | Text | 4 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2MunicipalityDMV | |||||
locationCountyDNR | DNR County | LocationPOLD | Text | 2 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2CountyDNR | |||||
locationMunicipalityDNR | DNR Municipality | LocationPOLD | Text | 4 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2MunicipalityDNR | |||||
locationOnHighwayType | Business/Frontage/Ramp | LocationPOLD | Text | 3 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationHighwayType | |||||
locationOnHighwayDirection | Select highway direction. | LocationPOLD | Text | 1 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationDirection | |||||
locationEstimatedDistance | Estimated Distance | LocationPOLD | Text | 10 | DISTANCE | Location | ||||||
locationDirectionFromIntersection | From Direction | LocationPOLD | Text | 1 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationDirection | |||||
locationFromAtHighwayType | From/At HighwayType | LocationPOLD | Text | 3 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationHighwayType | |||||
locationFromAtHighwayName | From/At Highway Number | LocationPOLD | Text | 3 | TEXT | Location | ||||||
locationFromAtHighwayDirection | From Direction | LocationPOLD | Text | 1 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationDirection | |||||
locationStructureType | Structure Type | LocationPOLD | Text | 1 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationStructureType | |||||
locationStructureNumber | Structure Number | LocationPOLD | Text | 10 | TEXT | Location | ||||||
locationLatitude | Latitude | LocationPOLD | Text | 15 | LATITUDE LONGITUDE | Location | ||||||
locationLongitude | Longitude | LocationPOLD | Text | 15 | LATITUDE LONGITUDE | Location | ||||||
locationMunicipalityType | Municipality Type | LocationPOLD | Text | 1 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationMunicipalityType | |||||
locationOverrideFlag | Location Override | LocationPOLD | Text | 1 | SINGLE LIST | V2YesNo | ||||||
locationCountyDMV | County | Location | Text | 2 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2CountyDMV | |||||
locationMunicipalityDMV | Municipality | Location | Text | 4 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2MunicipalityDMV | |||||
locationCountyDNR | DNR County | Location | Text | 2 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2CountyDNR | |||||
locationMunicipalityDNR | DNR Municipality | Location | Text | 4 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2MunicipalityDNR | |||||
locationOnHighwayType | Business/Frontage/Ramp | Location | Text | 3 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationHighwayType | |||||
locationOnHighwayDirection | Select highway direction. | Location | Text | 1 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationDirection | |||||
locationEstimatedDistance | Estimated Distance | Location | Text | 10 | DISTANCE | Location | ||||||
locationDirectionFromIntersection | From Direction | Location | Text | 1 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationDirection | |||||
locationFromAtHighwayType | From/At HighwayType | Location | Text | 3 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationHighwayType | |||||
locationFromAtHighwayName | From/At Highway Number | Location | Text | 3 | TEXT | Location | ||||||
locationFromAtHighwayDirection | From Direction | Location | Text | 1 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationDirection | |||||
locationStructureType | Structure Type | Location | Text | 1 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationStructureType | |||||
locationStructureNumber | Structure Number | Location | Text | 10 | TEXT | Location | ||||||
locationLatitude | Latitude | Location | Text | 15 | LATITUDE LONGITUDE | Location | ||||||
locationLongitude | Longitude | Location | Text | 15 | LATITUDE LONGITUDE | Location | ||||||
locationMunicipalityType | Municipality Type | Location | Text | 1 | SINGLE LIST | Location | V2LocationMunicipalityType | |||||
locationOverrideFlag | Location Override | Location | Text | 1 | SINGLE LIST | V2YesNo | ||||||
agencyOfficerRank | Officer Rank | Agency | Text | 8 | TEXT | V2Rank | ||||||
agencyLawEnforcementType | Law Enforcement Agency Type | Agency | Text | 3 | SINGLE LIST | V3LawEnforcementAgencyType | ||||||
agencyAddressState | Law Enforcement Agency State | Agency | Text | 2 | TEXT | V3State |