To use the DNR citation form users must have a DNR number assigned to them. Contact your local DNR agency if you don’t know your DNR number.
This form is owned by Department of Natural Resources
The Crash form contains following groups:
Vehicle / Equipment
Law Enforcement Agency
Document Group |
Each DNR form contains one Document group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. The DNR form number located in the upper left-hand corner is auto generated. The following fields in this section show TraCS patch and pack information used to tell if the DNR form is up to date.
Citation Number – The citation number is in the upper left corner and fills in automatically.
Police Number – If there is a Case Activity Report (CAR) to reference this citation to, enter that number here.
Defendant Group |
Each DNR form contains one Defendant group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. If a company is cited, the Defendant Type field must be Non-Individual which will disable the name fields. While in the Last Name field click the External Search button (If configured) to populate the databar then highlight the individual.
Company Name – If you selected Non-Individual in the Defendant Type field, the Company Name field will be active. Type company name.
Driver License Number – Type individual’s driver license number without spaces or dashes.
Country – Click to select the defendant’s country of residence.
SSN Number – If the individual does not have a DNR Customer ID, then enter the individual’s social security number.
DNR Customer ID – Enter the individual’s Customer ID issued by the DNR.
Back tag – Enter the individual’s 7-character backtag that is assigned to a deer or bear hunting license.
Defendant Email Address – Optional- Enter the defendant’s email address.
Violation Group |
Each DNR form contains one Violation group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
There are three ways to enter a statute number.
1. Type shortcut value in the database
2. Manually type the statute number or a portion of it.
3. Search for the statute number. Once in the “Statute” field click the Search button on the databar. This will bring up the Violation Search screen. Enter the statute or statute description in the blank box. Make sure Statute or Description is selected to the right of the blank box. When searching by Description click the Find Next button to bring up other descriptions.
Once a statute populates the “Statute Number” field click enter or tab to move to the “Offense Code “field. Select Offense Code from dropdown list then move to “Seq Number” field. While in this field a list of statute descriptions will be shown. Select the description wanted.
Party To Viol– if the violator was a party to the violation, enter Y in the Party To Viol field.
Ordinance Number – If your agency has loaded Local Ordinances, click Search to select the Ordinance from the table, or type the ordinance number.
Ord Seq Num—Once in the field select the correct ordinance description
Ordinance Description – Type the ordinance description if you did not select it in the Violation Search window. It may have pre-filled from the Ordinance Number field.
Wild Animal Assessment – This is a total field calculated from all animal unit types specified times the number of units.
Approval Type – Select the type of approval that the defendant should have purchased. For example, if a Wisconsin resident was caught fishing without a license, then the approval type could be “Fishing, Resident Annual”.
Approval Code—Disabled field used for troubleshooting
Hotline Violation – If the citation is being issued because of a complaint that came through the DNR hotline, select “Yes”. If the citation is not due to a DNR hotline complaint, select “No”.
Commercial Fish Protection – The dollar amount of the commercial fish protection surcharge pursuant to s. 29.984(1), Wis. Stats., if applicable.
Fishing Shelter Removal –The actual costs of the fishing shelter removal surcharge pursuant to s. 29.985(1), Wis. Stats., if applicable.
Fishing Net Removal Cost – The actual costs of the fishing net removal if applicable.
Great Lakes Viol – Select “Yes” if the violation involved Great Lakes fish or violation of s. 29.514 or 29.519.
Violation Date – Enter the date that the violation occurred. This field defaults to the current system date.
Day of Week – Automatically populated based on the violation date entered.
Violation Time – Enter the time that the violation occurred. This field defaults to the current system time.
Date Citation Served – Enter the date that the citation will be served. This field defaults to the current system date.
Method Citation Served – Select if the citation is served “In Person” or “Mailed” to the defendant from the drop-down list.
BAC Level—Enter amount
Probable Cause – Type in the probable cause statement as you want it to appear on the citation. This field is included on the defendant’s copy of the citation. 2000 characters.
Species Group |
This group is for capturing the information for the Species. To add a species, click the Add Species Information bar.
The following fields will appear:
Species – Select the species violated from the drop-down list. By selecting a species here, the Animal Assessment field will pre-fill with the amount the animal is worth as determined by state statute.
Animal Assessment—Auto populated from table
Animal Units – Enter the number of the selected species that were violated. For example, if the species selected is “deer” and there were two deer that were taken illegally, you would enter “2” in this field. You can add up to 10 different species groups.
Plaintiff Group |
Each DNR form contains one Plaintiff group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. If court name doesn’t display in the databar, ensure DNR County field in the Location group is populated.
Mandatory Appearance – Automatically populated based on the statute selected. You may change this field if it populates incorrectly. If you notice an error, please contact Kristin Turner at
Deposit/Bail – This field is calculated based on the statute and court type selected. This field can be overwritten if your court amounts are different. When entering a juvenile citation, this field will need to be overwritten. Select F2 for the help file or see the chart below for juvenile information:
DA Routing – Click to select Yes or No as appropriate. Even if the DA is Yes, the citation will NOT transmit to DA or circuit court. Print and manual deliver a copy to the DA for processing. The citation should still be end-shifted.
Vehicle / Equipment Group |
Each DNR form contains one Vehicle / Equipment group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Registration Number – Type the vehicle’s license plate number or registration number for recreational vehicles.
If the Mobile Data Import functionality is programmed for your agency, and you click on External Search, the search results appear listing the vehicles you have recently searched for. Click to highlight the entry you want to import from the Result Items in the databar.
Click on Apply.
The vehicle data will be imported into the appropriate fields in the DNR form.
Seizure Group |
Each DNR form contains one or more Seizure groups. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Seizure Tag-- Enter the preprinted number on the DNR seizure tag.
Serial Number – Enter the serial number of the first item seized.
Violations Committed by Juveniles –
Applicable Court & Presumptive Penalties
Type of Violation | Age | Court | Presumptive Penalty |
Any Violation | Under 12 | Juvenile | Referral to Juvenile Court Intake Worker as Necessary |
ATV, Boating, Snowmobile & Traffic Violations. | 12 and 13 | Juvenile | Deposit Schedule Forfeiture Only 1 |
14 and 15 | Juvenile | Deposit Schedule Forfeiture & $25 Court Cost Only 2 | |
16 and 17 | Adult | Deposit Schedule Total Deposit Amount 3 | |
Fish & Game, and All Other Civil Law & Ordinance Violations | 12 and 13 | Juvenile | Deposit Schedule Forfeiture Only 1 |
14,15 & 16 | Juvenile | Deposit Schedule Forfeiture & $25 Court Cost Only 2 | |
17 | Adult | Deposit Schedule Total Deposit Amount 3 | |
1 – No Court Costs, Fees or Surcharges Included 2 – No Surcharges or Fees Included 3 – All Costs, Fees & Surcharges Included |
Narrative Group |
Each DNR form contains one Narrative group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below. The narrative has 2000-character max.
The narrative field should be used to describe the sequence of events. It should give a clear picture of what took place and be used to record additional information such as:
Species Harvested/Damaged |
Multiple Citations |
Additional Witnesses |
Defendant’s Physical Behaviors |
Hazardous Materials Spilled |
Environmental or Weather Conditions |
Vehicle Characteristics |
Spontaneous Utterances |