Case Tab

The search area is located at the bottom of the Forms Manager and the first three tabs can work together and compromise basic searching.


The following are the different ways to search using the search box.  They may be used alone or in different combinations.  One or more options can be used for all selections by putting a comma between the selections.


Type (Case Type)

To search by Type… click the in the Case tab

This window displays all of the Types in the Sort order they appear in the list.  Choose the desired Types(s) from the list.  Once you have made your selections click the Search button  and search results in the Forms Grid will only display forms created by those selected users. All cases are defaulted to General and need to be manually changed.


Status (Case Status))

This window displays all of the possible form statuses.  Choose the desired form status from the list.  Once you have made your selections, search results in the Forms Grid will only display forms with statuses that match your selection.

To search by status, click the Status…  in the Case tab.  Choose the status(es) from the listing and press  button to continue.  Click  button.

All cases are defaulted to Open and need to be manually changed.



Type at the top of the column to filter the list


Owner ID

To search by click Owner ID… the Case tab. 

This window displays all of the users if you have permission.  Choose the desired user(s) from the list.  Once you have made your selections click the Search button  and search results in the Forms Grid will only display forms created by those selected users.



This window displays all of the possible form statuses.  Choose the desired form status from the list.  Once you have made your selections, search results in the Forms Grid will only display forms with statuses that match your selection.

To search by status, click the Status…  in the Case tab.  Choose the status(es) from the listing and press  button to continue.  Click  button.


Type at the top of the column to filter the list



Enter a specific form number or a sequence of characters within a form number to search for.  For example, "2280001080010042455" is an entire form number, and searching for it would return that specific form as a result. However, "22800" is not an entire form number, and searching for it would return all forms that have a form number which contains that sequence of characters. Wildcard keys may be used but multiples cannot be searched for using a comma.  The following example has wildcard (*) used.

This example does not use a wildcard and will only find one form.


This will find 2 forms


This is a starts with




Enter a specific form description to search for.  For example, searching for "Structure Fire" would return any forms that contain that phrase in its form description.  Wildcards before and after the selection can be used. In the search here, the INVALID anywhere in the description will be located.




Select whether to execute searches for current forms, archived forms, or both.  Forms are moved between the archive and current database using the Archive and Unarchive buttons. 




Once dates are selected; search results will only return forms that were created within those dates.



By default only non-confidential records show in the search results.  If you want to also see the “Not for Public Release” records, click the Confidential  button and select the confidential records.


Searching Buttons
