Dave Malisch / Geri Polster
Steven Parker / Andi Bill
Maintenance Updates and System Stability
Planned Maintenance Windows:
12/17/2023 – December server maintenance window
Completed Maintenance Windows:
11/22/2023 – November server maintenance window
Prioritized JIRA Issues and Enhancements
2022 Finalization
RP coding process for 2022 data is continuing and will be merged into the frozen data set once completed.
November / December JIRA Cases:
Completed – 11/8/2023
CRASHDB-1431 - DT3480 - XmitFail - Cryptic Blank UnitPersonNumber
In Progress
CRASHDB-1349 - System Stability (Java 11 / Oracle 19c) Migration:
CRASHDB-1367 – Phase 1: Java Migration
Moved TST and UAT Resolve System and Integration Services onto the new TOPS DevOps platform. Working through two issues.
CRASHDB-1445 – 2023 Year End CRASHDB Task List
Under Development
CRASHDB-1465 - Resolve - CUSTNMBR Enhancements during Migration
Record history, modulation, assignment workflow\\
Prioritized JIRA improvements during Migration testing.
Purge and Archiving Processes
Purge and Archive processes both continuing to run smoothly.
1,041,846 total archived crashes of which 441,221 represent purged crashes (the archive adds approximately 13K crashes per month). This includes 1,946,124 total image files.
FY25 Project Planning
Starting 8th year of operation , growing JIRA backlog, planning for MMUCC 6.
HWYCLASS Working Group
Working group meeting on 2/5. Presented results so far / discussed next steps.
General concurrence on value in continuing the line of investigation.
Follow-up on TLT information in deer crash short form.
WisTransPortal / Community Maps
Community Maps:
Completed: Advanced Search performance improvements
In Progress: Advanced Search crash flag documentation
In Progress: User Group survey
In Progress: Data download enhancement to include all vehicles, persons.
Will also benefit City of Madison (Citian) and BTO (Numetrics)
Soujanya Jarabana / Polly Ebbinger / Mike Satteson
CRU business unit provided email, phone, and remote support to law enforcement agencies to resolve Validation errors in the DT4000 crash form.
We received 12 LEA questions in the last 4 weeks about different crash scenarios
1 question is related to Fatal crash.
2 questions are about Hit & Run crashes.
1 related to Train/Bus crash.
6 questions are related to validation errors in crash form.
In the last four weeks, 2 normal change request were submitted to the Change Advisory Board which includes:
Resolve system Updates -System Stability fix blank document number in DT3480 transmission failure records.
Monthly server maintenance for November 2023 was performed on
We addressed 45 transmission failures in the last 4 weeks after providing solutions to the agencies.
9 are transmitted
29 was transmitted as other Document (Duplicate Document Number)
8 are pending with the agency.
NHTSA FARS has announced that the 2022 FARS Data Collection deadline is being extended to 2024-03-15, Ordinarily a given year’s data file is closed late in the year following the crash year, and the data are released to the public early in the next year. We have no news on when to expect release of the 2022 FARS data, but it seems unlikely prior to the second quarter of 2024.
Ken Matthews
Ben Rouleau / Asadur Rahman
Valerie Payne