Through TraCS there is a way to order electronic citation numbers. Citation numbers are assigned to agencies based off their ORI/NCIC number. The status that is most importing is inventoried. You should always have at least one inventoried form in the current database.
In the Search box choose UtitiltyELCINumberInventoryControl and one of 4 statuses
Bundled – going away
For the form Name click the down arrow in the column name and choose ELCI Number Inventory Control
You can do the same thing with the status column
Can be used on Advanced Searches or AdHoc Queries but this works better as an advanced Search.
use includes any because the tags field is a multi list and you might not only have one tag on a particular form.
Form | Group | Field | Action | Value(s) |
Case & Form Information | Form Information | Agency | Exact Match | your agency |
ELCI Number Inventory Control | Form Information | Status | Exact Match | Inventoried |
ELCI Number Inventory Control | Transaction | transactionQuantity | Lass Than or Equals | 200 |