Purpose: This report is the report to run when the DOT audits your citations. After running you may email the report to BadgerTraCS. There are two types on citation status reports, one for the DoT the other for the Agency. To run the report if audited by the WisDOT
Audience: Managers/Supervisors/TraCS Administrators and Department Of Transportation.
Needed Access rights: ‘Supervisor’ & ‘SystemAdmin’
User chooses the date range.
It will only pull information from your agency if you are in a multi agency environment
Need to have System Admin or Supervisor privileges.
To run this report
In TraCS 10 Click Search,
Open Records Management Ribbon
Choose Tracking, choose Form Status Report
The following dialog box will appear
Fill in the date Range (THIS IS REQUIRED)
Click OK and the report will generate.
The report and be printed, emailed and exported.