What to Expect

During this appointment, Badger TraCS Staff will gather more data from your agency and configure your computers to begin working in the Badger TraCS Hosted Environment. There are several considerations to keep in mind before, during, and after this 'Migration Appointment,' including:

What we (TraCS-Help Desk) expect your agency to do BEFORE Migration Appointment:

  1. Your agency cannot make any changes to the Users or Custom databases in between our appointments, the changes will not transfer over.

    1. Ex: Do not change any TraCS user’s information.

    2. Ex: Do not add or update any agency Custom tables.

      1. Local Ordinances

      2. Court Appointments, Court Schedules, Court Blackout dates

      3. Custom Text, Shortcuts, etc.

    3. If you do, TraCS staff will have to grab the Users/Custom tables and start over.

    4. This will delay your agency getting into the hosted environment and we will need to reschedule the installation.

  2. Archive all your forms (except your Configuration Wizard and ELCI Inventory Forms) before your Migration Appointment

    1. To archive in TraCS you must have Supervisor access levels. Select a form, right click, archive.

    2. The TraCS Helpdesk can show you how to archive. Just ask.

  3. The day before the migration appointment:

    1. All forms should be end shifted from all the squad cars.

      1. Make sure you do an office end shift once all squad cars have completed their end-shifting.

      2. If this isn’t done, forms will be missing.

  4. Your agency should transmit all forms prior to the migration appointment. The reason for this is because your old data (data before migration day) will be unavailable for about 2 business days.

    1. Make sure to transmit all time sensitive forms

      1. Citations with DA routing.

      2. Citations with court dates.

      3. Crash forms.

  5. Make sure all TraCS computers have enough ELCI citation number to last two weeks.

  6. Plan on having all your TraCS computers available during the 2nd appointment.

    1. During the 2nd appointment your computers will have TraCS reinstalled.

    2. Try and have as many computers connected to the internet at one time.

      1. This will speed up the installations.

  7. You will need to make sure your Microsoft Windows accounts are able to install software on each machine. Having your Windows Local Admin account would be the best.

What your agency should know DURING the Migration Appointment:

  1. TraCS staff will need access to ALL your computers for our migration appointment and those computers will need to have access to the internet.

    1. All computers whether running 32-bit or 64-bit Windows operating systems at your agency will be migrated.

    2. During the migration the TraCS Help Desk will document and keep a record of which computers are 32-bit.

    3. We will leave that information with your agency, so you know what machines need to get converted to 64-bit.

    4. After the fall of 2023, all 32-bit computers will stop working and will need to be converted to a 64-bit Windows operating system.

  2. For a more detailed run through of what this appointment will look like, click this link: https://wi-state-patrol.atlassian.net/l/cp/sjL50B9q

What your agency should expect AFTER the Migration Appointment:

  1. After the migration into the hosted environment, your agency may not have access to your old data for up to 48 hours.

    1. It will take the TraCS Help Desk team up to 48 hours to get your agencies old data/records into the hosted environment.

    2. Once that data has been imported into the system you will see your agencies old forms when you search for them.

    3. TraCS Help Desk will email your agency once the data has been migrated.

If there are any issues with your agency data it might take longer than 48 hours. Help desk personal will keep you posted.