
Informal Opening Discussion

Crash DB Systems Review

TraCS Systems and Crash Form development

Dave Harvey, (Acting TraCS Unit Supervisor)

TOPS Database and WisTransPortal

Steven Parker and Andi Bill

Maintenance Updates and System Stability

Prioritized JIRA Issues and Enhancements

Purge and Archiving Processes

FY24 Project Planning

HWYCLASS Working Group

WisTransPortal / Community Maps

Crash Records Unit

Soujanya Jarabana and Mike Satteson

Questions from Law Enforcement Agencies:

 Transmission failures:

DT4000 Fatal Crashes:

Quality Check process for DT4000 fatal crashes is performed which comes in Resolve. The process starts with creating a Jira issue for DT4000 basic check and then and assigned to the FARS team,

Based on the results of the quality check process the agency is contacted to amend the crash report.

Currently, we are missing 1 crash from Washington County SO 

 Enhancements to Crash Database & Resolve System

DMV Systems and SR

Ken Matthews

Ken is unavailable but sends his regards and (thumbs up) (thumbs up).

Reference Point Coding

Asadur Rahman

Jacob and Erickson coded since 03/31:

Jacob: 2,359

Erickson: 1,629

Total: 3,988

RP coding needed for 2022: 43,784

Crash Data Analysis and Reporting

Valerie Payne

Scheduled Topics and Briefing documents

2021 Crash Data Refinalized to Add RPs

2021 RP Coding was completed in early April. The TOPS Lab worked to create a new version of the 2021 finalized data that differs from the initial version only in the added RP fields. The CRU checked the results to verify that this was the case.

This process had to go through a couple of iterations because of challenges posed by DMV customer number assignment changes (which do not increment the crash record number). The original 2021 finalized data had 20,271 crashes with RPs. The post freeze finalization added 33,768 RP for a total of 54,039 RP in the refinalized data:

julia> freqtable(x, :old_has_rp, :new_has_rp)
2×2 Named Matrix{Int64}
old_has_rp ╲ new_has_rp │ false   true
false                   │ 74257  33768
true                    │     0  20271

The check process verified successful refinalization of both flat file and SAS library extracts. According to a cell by cell comparison, the updated version of these data is identical to the initial version in all respects except for

We made the SAS library version of the these refinalized data this week as test libraries. Other at large version of the 2021 finalized crash data re unchanged pending workgroup decision

c93599fc-1a75-4653-a2d5-a044d1bb3e36c5d9b0d8-54e1-4cc1-ba5f-faf9143a3f32DECIDEDDoes the workgroup approve the release of the 2021 refinalized data as our 2021 crash statistical data set?

2022 Finalization

We turned our attention to 2022 Crash data Finalization, which we need to complete by the end of May. We were not able to keep up the continuous data cleaning in response to daily batch edit checks that we had begun to realize in late 2021. In part this is because Tejal had done much of this work, but we are also working to rebuild our data quality and data query infrastructure to use Jira. We should still be able to get the data clean for critical checks, but our quality measures against important edit checks will likely be poorer than what we had been able to achieve for 2021.

Changes to Edit Checks

We discontinued 12 FARS related edit checks. FARS checks are not done as part of our in development new case management system, which is being implement in Jira. We’ve begun to implement checks in that system. Currently we have 31 checks implemented in that system, and we typically clear those each day.

Moved Narrative: Bicycle Mentioned, but not a Unit from Critical to Important. This had been an Informational check prior to 2022-01-13.

Current Status

For checks run on 2023-04-27 against 2023-04-26 production 2022 data. We had

Check Class

Checks Having Hits

Total Check Hits







The tally for critical checks is



Agency ORI Check


Customer Numbers Appearing More Than Once in a Crash


Unit Status Given as Unknown


Fatal Check: Fatality without Date of Death


Crash Number Does Not Reflect Crash Date


Flag Check: Restricted Citations


Citations: Person TOTCIT != Sum of Citations


Based on past experience, most of these critical check hits can be cleared without laborious agency follow-up. We ought to be able to clear them in time to finalize with data that is clean of critical checks.


Informal Closing Discussion