
Informal Opening Discussion

Crash DB Systems Review

TraCS Systems and Crash Form development

Dave Harvey, (Acting TraCS Unit Supervisor)

TOPS Database and WisTransPortal

Steven Parker and Andi Bill

Maintenance Updates and System Stability

Prioritized JIRA Issues and Enhancements

Purge and Archiving Processes

2021 Crash Finalization

HWYCLASS Working Group

WisTransPortal / Community Maps

Crash Records Unit

Soujanya Jarabana and Mike Satteson

Questions from Law Enforcement Agencies

CRU business unit provided email and remote support to law enforcement agencies to resolve Validation errors in the DT4000 crash form. 

Transmission failures:

About half of our transmission failures are caused by document number reuse, a failure mode that we began tracking at the strt of this year. Of these about half are from one machine at one agency. We are working with Badger TraCS to try to get that machine reconfigured to avoid the document number reuse.

DT4000 Fatal Crashes

Quality Check process for DT4000 fatal crashes is performed which comes in Resolve. The process starts with creating a Jira issue for DT4000 basic check and then and assigned to the FARS team,

Enhancements to Crash Database & Resolve System

Partial DROC Outage, 2023-03-22/23 (problems submitting multi-unit crashes)

On Wednesday, the BITS DROC team deployed a new version of this application to address address issues with the state of issuance field that occur in some cases when Apple devices are used to complete the form. On Thursday morning the CRU began receiving calls from the public complaining about difficulties completing DROC crashes involving 2 or more units. On Thursday afternoon, the BITS DROC team made an emergency change to revert to the previous DROC version. The CRU was able to reproducer the issue in production when it was live, but could not do so in the test environment. Failure analysis from the BITS DROC team is pending.

DMV Systems and SR

Ken Matthews

Reference Point Coding

Asadur Rahman

Erickson coded: 556

Jacob coded: 1,409

Total: 1,965

Erickson, our LTE RP coder had to cut back on his hour over the past 2 weeks because he had nearly exhausted the hours under his initial appointment. Renewal of his appointment proved difficult and had to be resolved at the Bureau Director level. But we did get renewal, effective 2023-03-27.

Crash Data Analysis and Reporting

Valerie Payne and Rebecca Szymkowski

Scheduled Topics and Briefing documents

Informal discussion of hosting our annual crash data on WisDOT GIS Open Data as mapped data with a selection of fields and as tabulated dataset in the format that had been provided as a piad subscription service. The subscription service has been discontinued, and the data sets are now available on Box.


Informal Closing Discussion