Forms that Transmit to Protect for a eReferral

To submit DA eReferrals using the TraCS Incident form, complete the following steps:

  1. Obtain permission from your DA.

  2. Notify Badger TraCS and the information below will be routed to the DAIT System Admin.

    1. Name:

    2. Agency:

    3. ORI:

    4. Email contact:

    5. Phone contact:

    6. County(s):

  3. DA Protect (Brenda) will make contact with the agency contact and Badger TraCS Staff will send you the setting's to put your transmission machine in Testing eReferral Mode

  4. You will go through testing until DA Protect/Brenda is satisfied you are done with testing.

  5. We will send you the setting’s to put your transmission machine in Production eReferral Mode.

NOTE: Incident forms that are sent to eProtect prior to working with DA Protect/Brenda will fail transmission.