You can choose to complete a Driver Exchange of Crash Information form before completing the full crash report form. This form gives basic information about the operators and vehicles involved in the crash, the time and location of the crash, and the officer completing the crash report. You can complete this form by
Open a Crash form
If the form is not new click the Edit Form Button to put the form in Edit Mode.
Click the Driver Exchange Button on the Crash ribbon.
All data fields other than those used for the Driver Exchange form are grayed out.
Note: there are three field mode buttons in the Crash ribbon, turning on one will turn off the others.
Fill out all the needed fields
If you have printing capabilities, you can print the report and give a copy to each operator/participant when the data fields are completed. Click Print
Choose the Driver Exchange of Information Report from the following dialog box
Change the number of copies to the number needed
Click Print
Note(You can also email this report if the Individuals in the crash have email)
To finish completing the full Crash form; click Driver Exchange Button on the Crash ribbon again to enable the fields again.
Continue with the crash form.