This form is only transmitted to DOT. Never mail this report along with transmitting it.
Wisconsin Driver Condition or Behavior Report (MV3141)
This report is owned by the DMV Medical Review Unit
Transmittable to the DMV via email
Phone: 608-266-2327
The Drivers Condition Form contains the following groups:
Each Driver Condition form contains one Document group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Each Driver Condition form contains one Driver group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Each Driver Condition form contains one Summary group. The fields within the group are shown in the figure below.
Narrative field – Type any concerning witnessed behaviors with specific examples to indicate the concern/cause for the report. This is free form. Be as specific as possible. This is a required field and must be filled in completely. Do not enter text that references comments or narratives in an associated form. Fill the field in with the complete narrative. Use copy and paste if the text of the narrative is available from another resource or form. The Crash form itself is a separate document that is not accessible to the Medical Review Section. Please do not include in the narrative references to the Crash form. Instead, explicitly list all behavior/condition issues in the narrative of the Driver Condition/Behavior form. Max is 2000 characters.