The involvement feature allows a user to look up an individual, vehicle, location or carrier and see what other cases they were involved in. Law enforcement can look for relationships, patterns or trends. Because of software requirements the involvement explorer is only available on an office workstation.
An involvement search may be started from a Advanced tab in the Search box or from the Master Index. You may also click the involvement button from the Master Index Search results screen.
All 3 sections of the involvement explorer can be resized.
Investigation Path— The Investigation path shows the history of the investigation. You can use it to navigate through the relationships you have established between pieces of common information. You may also navigate by selecting the tabs across the top of the form grid(A).
Right clicking a involved person will allow you to see any Flags set in the master index
Flags – look up or adds new flags to a Master Index record
The Grid— is in the middle of the screen.
Forms – is the list of forms associated with the subject.
Double Clicking the Form will bring the form up on form preview.
Diagram – Will Show you the relationships between the involved parties
Map – will show where the involved was contacted.
Common Information— contains all the common information relating to the subject on the involved. As different Forms are selected the grid different pieces of common information will highlight/show that the items are on the selected forms.
Click on a Common information and clinking Involvement in the Ribbon will bring up everything involving the 2 involved items.
Right Clicking give you the option to remove the secondary involved piece